Category Archives: update

Timetable’s back (almost)

Our arts and culture blog hit a snag before it really got a chance to get going. For those that are just joining us, Timetable consists of two separate things; the calendar that you see to your right and a separate blog that exists to go more in depth on events whenever we can.

Thanks to some coffee and help from some friends realizing that most of our posts had been cached online, we’re almost back. We say almost because we lost several of our MySpace Directory entries. Continue reading

Timetable’s gone (for now)

Due to some technical difficulties, our arts and culture section, Timetable, crashed earlier this afternoon and has lost all of its content. We are in the process of rebuilding the site, however we will only be able to reproduce portions of the last five posts.

Thankfully, we had not gotten into full swing with this section as of yet, so we do not have to reproduce that many posts.

We hope to have it operational again tomorrow afternoon, hopefully taking advantage of the error to fix some of the problems we were having and maybe test out a couple of things were going to do over the weekend.

Thanks for understanding.