Category Archives: This Week on Timetable

UPDATED: What are you doing this weekend?

There’s a lot to do this weekend in metro Birmingham. Assistant editor Christina Tutor shares some of her picks on what to do in our weekly rundown over on Timetable.

Let us know if we missed anything…

NOTE: The column that was here originally has been reposted over on Timetable; we were having backend issues… sorry.

Halloween ’07: Let the listings begin

We figured since people are always looking for somewhere to enjoy themselves during this most ghoulish time of the year that we’d try our best to oblige. We’ve started a collection of Halloween-related events and activities for folks over on Timetable.

First up, a list of haunted houses, warehouses and such in the immediate Birmingham metropolitan area. We’re not claiming that this list in complete by any stretch of the imagination. Click on over, check it out and let us know what to add to it using the email listed on the page.

Togas and BBQ (and more) this weekend

There are plenty of things to keep you busy this weekend… so many that we’re going to spend most of the day making sure you know about them whether through our Timetable calendar on our front page and its companion blog. Tonight’s major events are Art on the Rocks at the Museum of Art and Stokin’ the Fire at Sloss Furnaces, both bringing something unique for you this weekend.

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Monday’s Timetable: Tickets and Mayfield (the band)

Today on Timetable, find out how you can win tickets to an advance screening of the latest Harry Potter film and find out what makes local band Moses Mayfield tick

Go on, we’ll wait for you.

This week on Timetable: Books and fireworks

First of all, it’s more like the first two days this week on Timetable as we hope to have finally rebuilt the rest of the Magic City MySpace Directory by Thursday morning.

But we figured you’d want something to do until then (especially on Wednesday night) so here’s a list of some of the larger events in the immediate area for you to choose from.

We’ve also stumbled across this contest being organized by Birmingham’s own Daniel Wallace of Big Fish fame as well as a heads up on where you can catch him next week in town (just in case you didn’t already know).

This week on Timetable: Arts impact, Xterra and Alabama PRIDEFest and more!

Take a moment (ok, a few moments), to venture on over to Timetable and check out some of what’s been going on this week:

Economic impact study numbers released

Xterra Southeast Championship weekend begins

Central Alabama PRIDE festival continues

…and more! Go on, check it out!