Category Archives: Take a moment

Take a moment: Help Cooper Green get an MRI machine

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Screenshot of

The emails have been floating around since yesterday and today’s Birmingham News even ran an article about it. Cooper Green Mercy Hospital does not currently have an MRI machine. Enter, and a chance for us to help them win one!

A video was made to tell folks why they need the machine. It’s now your job to go to the site, watch the video and then vote.

Given the late start on posting the video, Cooper Green is currently well behind other hospitals and need to catch up – so please watch the video (which is hilarious) and vote (and tell your friends!).

Unfortunately, you can vote once per day from your computer (but you’ve got until December 31 to make up for lost time).

Take a moment: Can-a-thon today!

Can-a-thon image

If you do have a moment, and a couple of cans of non-perishable food, you might want to drive on over to Brookwood Mall, pull up next to the Applebee’s, and drop them off. You’ve got until 7 p.m. this evening so there’s really not a reason that you couldn’t stop on by.

It’s sponsored by NBC 13, 102.5 FM, The Salvation Army and the United Way Community Food Bank and it’s quite appropriate given the time of year that we’re in.

Take a moment: It’s America Recycles Day!

America Recycles Day screenshot

Screenshot of National Recycling Coalition website

It’s the 10th anniversary of the only nationally recognized day dedicated to encouraging Americans to recycle and to buy recycled products. The section of the National Recycling Coalition website focused on the event provides information about its history, area events by state (the only one listed for Alabama is one in Guntersville; it starts at 10 a.m.), and provides a way for you to pledge that you will do your part.

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Take a moment: Let’s help Wes out!

Wes Frazer, an incredible local photographer, has been a staunch (and sometimes vocal) supporter of this site since its inception. If you didn’t click that last link, then you need to check out his stuff on Flickr.

We’re hoping that by sharing this bulletin (after the jump) that was sent out via MySpace profile yesterday by The Bottletree that we can help him get back in the saddle again when the event happens next month: Continue reading

Take a moment: Row-a-thon this Saturday

Alabama men’s crew team @ SIRA 2006

Photo credit: Allison Pollini

Now I know that I’m taking away some of Christina’s thunder from her Friday morning post about ideas for the weekend, but hear me out. If you don’t plan on being downtown for the pageantry, music and free ice cream that is this year’s Magic City Classic Parade, perhaps you may want to venture on over to Colonial Brookwood Village and help the University of Alabama crew team out in their efforts to raise money for both themselves and the American Heart Association. Their site’s got more information about the event and how you can give. It’s their football team’s off-week, so there’s no real reason to not go, now is there?

Take a moment: Michael Prichard tribute tonight

For those of you that haven’t has the chance to check our Timetable calendar entries on a regular basis recently, we wanted to make sure that you were aware of a particular event this evening. Rojo is hosting a photo exhibit this evening titled, Things that Mike P. Would Have Liked to pay tribute to and help the family of Michael Prichard, who died unexpectedly on September 14 at the age of 40. Here is a link to the death announcement that we posted over on Timetable’s blog.

The exhibit consists of photos provided exclusively by members of the local filmmaking community. All proceeds from sales will go to Michael’s family. The show opens tonight at 6 p.m. at Rojo and it’s free to get in. It will remain up until November 9.

Click here to look at the Timetable calendar entry for the event from last week. Stop on by if you’ve got a moment.

Take a Moment: Remembering the original Batman of Birmingham

When we recently posted about the new online crime map created by members of the group Victims of Birmingham Crime, we referenced the moderator of the group, who called himself the Birmingham Batman.

We figured that some of you would enjoy taking a look at the original Batman of Birmingham, Willie Perry, through the eyes of Lou Anders over on his blog, Bowing to the Future (including this new entry about him that includes a picture of the Batmobile itself).