Category Archives: Online

More ways to show your love for The Magic City

We’ve been quietly selling t-shirts on the site for several months now sporting the 1950s slogan “It’s Nice to Have You in Birmingham” and they’ve been fairly well received. There’s now another t-shirt that you’ll have a chance to purchase in the near future .

i am birmingham shirt design. plans to begin selling shirts with the phrase “i am birmingham” on them, doing a really creative play on the organization of the letters in the city’s name. Head on over to learn more about why and how you can get one. Go on, we’ll wait…

By the way, we anticipate getting a shipment of white Terminal Ts in the next two weeks – so if you’re interested, let us know and we’ll let you know when they arrive.

Thanks for looking out, but…

I think we’d all say that we’re appreciate Staples wanting to look out for those in California not aware of the state’s new law that prohibits the use of cell phones while driving unless you’re using a hands free device.

What they probably don’t want to do though is scare a bunch of folks that aren’t being affected by it, especially those of us here in Alabama and the other 45 states where there is no such law (yet), as pointed out in this piece on The Consumerist.

Thanks for the tip, David.

One stop shop for links on Birmingham launches

Screenshot of

Screenshot of

Well, we’ve been working on a one-stop shop for folks to check out what’s happening around our local web scene in a glance – a meta aggregator in the style of Alltop or PopUrls, but for Birmingham. Well, we’re still working on ours but the folks that brought you Birmingham Pulse have already launched theirs. It’s called and currently contains feeds from our local media outlets, some of the city’s more popular blogs and us. They’re looking for feedback but since we don’t know if they want us to share the contact information, we’re going to ask you to comment here and let them know.

Birmingham through the eyes of a fan

Birmingham, AL's Squidoo page

Screenshot of Birmingham, Alabama on Squidoo

For those not familiar with Squidoo, it’s a really cool online tool that allows you to share information about any topic you can possibly think of on one page, called lenses.

Well, one of our fans on Facebook shared their Squidoo page about Birmingham and now we’re going to share it with you so you can help it grow.

Got any other websites you want to share with us (or others) you can always post links on the wall of ourĀ  page on Facebook or you can visit The Rumble and learn of other ways to help us share stuff with others about what’s going on.

Mozilla controls the horizontal and the vertical…

Firefox Download Day 2008That should be what the folks at Mozilla should be saying (or thinking) today. Much of Birmingham’s blogosphere and Twitterverse is abuzz with the pending release of Firefox 3 today at 12 p.m. CDT.

So we’ll warn you that if you had any plans of surfing the web somewhere in that time frame, be prepared for some sites to be moving a little slow, since as of 11 a.m. 1,728,914 folks have signed up to help Mozilla attempt to set the Guinness record for the most software downloads in a 24-hour period.

We here at The Terminal are most interested since we actually design the site with Firefox in mind, so we’d at least suggest that you try out this new edition of the browser…

Follow City Stages on Twitter

Screenshot of City Stages' Twiter profile

Screenshot of City Stages’ Twitter profile page.

Birmingham’s annual downtown music festival has recently introduced a Twitter profile to the mix of ways to keep track of what’s going on. The popular (and recently erratic) microblogging program allows people to follow people, places and in this case events either on the web, or using your cell phone’s SMS feature. If used effectively, it could let people know about delays in acts taking the stage and other events associated with the festival among other things.

We’ve been quiet with our Twitter profile recently, but hopefully that will change this week… gets some link love from Matt

Screenshot of new website

Screenshot of relaunched website.

Birmingham-based Health Magazine, part of the Southern Progress stable of publications, got some kudos from Matt Mullenweg, founding developer of WordPress (the software used to run this very site incidentally, at least this version is), for their use of the open-source software on their recently redesigned website yesterday.

So we’re thinking that you need to check it out.