Category Archives: News

Get out and support the Jena 6

MyUrbanReport has details about the “Get on the Bus” rally in front of the Jena, LA courthouse being organized for September 20. Americans for Justice Network will be sponsoring buses from several cities, including one from Birmingham. It also provides some information about how you can support the effort even if you’re unable to attend.

Many across the country are watching the situation in Louisiana unfold carefully, waiting to see just what the outcome will be for the six African American students that were originally charged with second-degree attempted murder after a high school fight. For those unfamiliar with the case, check out these links:

One of Jena 6 accused found guilty in high school beating, KATC3, 7.1.2007
Jena 6, Wikipedia
Justice for the Jena 6,
The Jena 6, While Seated

Jim Skinner passes away

Saturday brought the sad news that James Skinner, Sr., owner of two auto dealerships including Jim Skinner Ford in Birmingham, passed away at the age of 87. Many will remember him from local commercials, others for his contributions to the automotive sales industry (highlighted by the bestowing of a lifetime achievement award on him by the state legislature in 2003. The Dothan Eagle provides a brief account of the the Michigan native’s life within its coverage; NBC 13 provides information about a public visitation on Monday evening in advance of Tuesday’s private funeral.

Evening roundup: Reporting on the MN bridge collapse in Birmingham

It seems that everybody is concerned with the state of our local bridges after watching the aftermath of the bridge collapse in Minneapolis yesterday afternoon. The numbers of structurally deficient bridges in our state seems to differ depending on who you talk to.

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The mayor’s right hand man is stepping aside

Al Herbert has served as the right hand man for Mayor Bernard Kincaid for all of his eight years in office. Yesterday, it was revealed that if Kincaid is elected to serve for a third term, he will not be by his side. Herbert’s departure was announced during yesterday’s weekly Birmingham City Council meeting. He will begin working at UAB as their executive director of supplier diversity effective October 15.

Our current poll question asks you if Herbert’s departure means anything in terms of the mayor’s (as of yet unannounced) chances of reelection.

Related links:
Herbert joins UAB from city, UAB Headline News 

One of Birmingham’s finest retires after 49 years

Nolan Shivers is 72 years old and has probably seen more than he’d like to admit during his 49 years on the job. The Birmingham News reported about Sihvers reitrement celebration yesterday in Roebuck and it was picked up nationally by the news wires. He had the chance to work for eight of our city’s police chiefs now holds the record for being the longest serving officer in the history of our city’s force.

Related links:
That’s Life: Saying goodbye to Officer Nolan, 7.27.2007

Birmingham relaxes water restrictions, joins Homewood, Vestavia Hills

The Magic City joined Homewood in relaxing the time restrictions placed on area residents during the region’s stage 3 drought. The News’ post details the Birmingham City Council’s approval of a modification of the ordinance. The revision also allowed some area car washes to resume operation.

That change allows for city residents to water between 9 p.m. and 9 a.m. The council’s move was similar to Homewood’s, who made their modification during their council meeting last night, in that it did not affect the day of week restrictions currently in place. Vestavia Hills has also revised their ordinance’s time restrictions, now allowing residents to water between 7 p.m. and 7 a.m.

The region remains under stage 3 drought conditions.

2007 Drought: Time changes, restrictions don’t

The Homewood City Council modified the time portion of their water restriction ordinance during this evening’s meeting according to reports from Fox6 News.

Residents may now water their lawns before 10 a.m. and after 8 p.m. The restrictions are still in place however, as they are throughout the region as a result of our stage 3 drought conditions.