Category Archives: News

UPDATE: We really hope you didn’t turn that clock back last night

That extra hour of sleep that we all enjoy will have to wait until next Sunday. Thanks to some legislation passed in 2005, Daylight Savings Time started three weeks earlier this year and it is scheduled to end next Sunday, November 4 (just in time for this year’s Vulcan Run runners to enjoy some extra sleep after their run – though it’s looking like they’re having some problems with their website this morning).

UPDATE 5:25:31  p.m., The site seems to be working much better now…

This was the first year of the change… do you think it’s a good thing?

The Express: October 26, 2007

Parking lot at Kmart - 10.25.2007

The view outside of K-Mart yesterday morning about the same time that Wal-Mart was opening over in Eastwood Village. Photo credit: Christina Tutor

Birmingham’s longest running professional sports franchise will be “dormant” this year. The hope is for the team to return to action in 2009, when it could be competing with not one, but two traditional football teams for attention.

Steeldogs won’t field team for next season, The Birmingham News

Apparently Joel Montgomery didn’t show up for court… this after making comments in public that may have hinted that he wasn’t following court orders. Kyle Whitmire had some fun writing this one. We did just hear that his next court date will be December 7, and that he will be notified in person of the date by a police officer, so it should be fine…. it should.

News: Montgomery misses court, Birmingham Weekly’s Mixed Media

Catalyst was going to hold a mixer with the runoff candidates for mayor. Since Larry Langford won outright, the event’s been redesigned to be a meet and greet with the city’s new top executive.

Catalyst, Leading law firm team up to host “Meet & Greet” for mayor-elect Larry Langford, Catalyst

And we did goof; we had checked out a lead (our first – and only I might add) on The Rumble about the prospect of a brew pub moving into the old Jimmie Hale Mission building downtown. We were told that evening that deal looked like it was about to fall through. Now today’s Birmingham News reported that the deal is done and we’re soon going to have a great place to go. Thanks for the tip “Bobby” keep ’em coming and next time we’ll see what we can do.

Men on mission for brewpub, The Birmingham News

UPDATE: Nunn to have news conference this evening

Birmingham Police Chief Annetta Nunn will be holding a press conference at 7 p.m. It is scheduled to take place at police headquarters. We are aware of Fox 6’s plans to simulcast the conference on their website.

Nunn announced earlier today that she would be stepping down as the city’s top cop and taking a consultant position for the next year with the Langford administration.

UPDATE 2: News flash – Nunn resigns

Fox 6 reported at the end of their noon news broadcast that Birmingham Police Chief Annetta Nunn has resigned. Check out their link for updates to the story as they unfold.

UPDATE: 5:15:44p.m., Nunn has scheduled  7 p.m. news conference at police headquarters.

UPDATE: 2:37:59 p.m., Birmingham Weekly’s Mixed Media blog and ABC 33/40 have more details about the surprise announcement.

It’s not a third-world country. It’s Talladega.

The big story making the Internet rounds now implies that some folks up in Washington consider NASCAR fans a health risk. Congressional staffers sent to Talladega Superspeedway last weekend and again to Lowe’s Motor Speedway this weekend were encouraged to catch up on their vaccinations for hep A and B, flu, diphtheria and tetanus before the fact-finding trip. Seems the guys from the Homeland Security Commission where at the race to study mass gatherings. Well, they also toured some local health facilities and claim that is the reason for the shots but that doesn’t make for good jokes and controversy.

You may think this story is completely without merit but there are some health risks from being around NASCAR fans. For example, we suggest you find out who the person’s favorite driver is before you make an offhand comment about Jeff Gordon or Jimmie Johnson. It could be consider fightin’ words. And never ever make fun of Dale Earnhardt or Litte E anywhere on the grounds of Talladega. Trust us.

There’s lots of places to read more about this, but we like this post on To be honest, we’ve got friends there.

East Lake Texaco loses injunction case; expected to appeal

Judge Robert Vance sided with the office of the mayor and council of Birmingham when he ruled that the store at the center of a case involving allegations of physically attacking a female customer in East Lake must close its doors according to mainstream media news accounts reported just moments ago.

The store owner’s attorney has said that he would file an appeal immediately if they lost the case. Judge Vance cited the council’s concerns about safety as the reason for his ruling.

We will provide a link to a news source once one has posted.

Have we reached a tipping point on crime in Birmingham?

Crime has been a buzz word throughout the Magic City for quite a while now. It has definitely become one of the dominant issues of this year’s mayoral campaigns, with the major candidates running television and radio spots describing exactly how they would solve what is being considered a growing problem. In recent months merchants and residents, particularly on the city’s east side, have become increasingly concerned about the issue, especially as they see the city turning a corner in terms of potential reinvestment. Two efforts in particular are getting noticed as they prepare to ramp up their efforts.

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