Category Archives: Magic City Question

Transit riders get a reprieve

It appears that Councilman (and mayoral candidate) William Bell‘s question about whether or not the transit rate hike that went into effect on Monday morning being legal has led to good news for passengers and questions of timing by those running against him for the mayor’s office.

The Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority’s board yesterday voted to rescind the 25¢ hike, returning the charge to ride on the system to $1. The increase would have been the first one for the system in 12 years.

Proponents say that the fare increase is necessary due to increasing costs and that without additional funding sources, reductions in staffing and routes may be needed.

Even though we already know what the Magic City Question is going to be today, we figured we’d ask one a little early:

What would it take to get you to use our transit system more than you do now (if at all)? 

Sweet Home Alabama: It’s finally official

Sweet Home AlabamaThe state’s tourism office has decided to finally make the 1974 Lynyrd Skynyrd hit the official 2008 slogan and campaign. This after everyone else seems to have already adopted it unofficially. To your left is the logo for the new campaign, launched last week at a press conference hosted by Governor Riley. Click here to read a story about how a movie and a couple of American Idols made it a natural choice, courtesy of WAFF-TV in Huntsville.

This led us to think of this statewide Magic City Question:

What’s your favorite tourist attraction in the state of Alabama?

Magic City Question: A new grocery store downtown? No, not yet

It’s been a while since Torme’s doors closed in Birmingham’s city center, taking away the area’s only immediate grocery option. While stores like The Neighborhood Market fill portions of the growing downtown population’s needs, many still long for a “major” grocery store to serve the needs of area loft dwellers and small business owners.

Many had placed hope in reports saying that Publix was considering locations downtown. Well, this morning’s Birmingham News reports that we’ll just have to wait a little longer as the Lakeland, FL-based chain has decided to not move forward on two potential locations. Developers say there are other options; what would your choice be?

Magic City Question: Your comments about Jeffco budget cuts

The Jefferson County Commission passed their fiscal 2008 budget today. The $660 million budget cuts $23 million total for the arts (notably the Cultural Alliance) and currently vacant county positions. The Birmingham News Breaking News blog has a brief post about the vote, which was along party lines.

What are your thoughts about the budget and what it means?

Magic City Question: Only 271 days to go…

City Stages Billobard On I-20/59

Photo credit: André Natta

Apparently there is an effort to begin advertising for City Stages a little early this year. This billboard for the music festival is visible as you’re driving westbound on I-20/59 on the driver’s side. It’s the only one that we’re aware of right now.

Next June will mark the 20th anniversary of the festival (currently scheduled for June 13-15), which of course leads us to our question:

Who’d you like to see perform at City Stages to help celebrate its 20th year?

Round 1 goes to the protesters; is it right?

By now you should know that the City Council voted unanimously to revoke the business & liquor licenses of a gas station owner on the city’s East side. The decision has led to some interesting commentary over on the Birmingham News’ breaking news blog. So after you’ve finished looking at the story that was filed and the 20+ comments (there are more listed but some are repeats), let’s hear what you think about it.

NOTE: It’s interesting to note that the decision from the courts on the case has not been made yet.

Magic City Question: What’s your favorite locally owned spot?

There have been several national chains that have recently announced plans to expand or reopen in the Birmingham metropolitan area. That’s a good thing as it shows how people outside the region view the economic climate in the area. But we’re a local website, so what we’d like to know is, what’s your favorite locally owned business and why?