Category Archives: Election ’07

Election ’07:We’re getting a clearer picture

Birmingham City Hall Reflected - Photo By Bob Farley

We’re starting to get a clearer picture of the candidates for mayor (well, we hope that we are). Are we getting a clearer picture of what the issues really are in thisĀ  year’s race and for the city’s future? We’ll start our editorial series over at my Birmingham tomorrow to take a closer look.

Photo credit:Bob Farley/f8photo

Election ’07: And now there are six

And it’s not the one you were expecting. The Birmingham News reports that Barry Taylor announced his intention to run for mayor yesterday afternoon. Taylor is works for the city as an inspector and joins what promises to be a packed house. There are now as few as one and as many as three more people considering declaring their candidacy, joining the others that already officially declared their candidacy.

You can still submit your questions for all of the candidates for our upcoming series by clicking here (they will also be possibly used for the candidates forum scheduled for September 18.

Election ’07: It was only a matter of time

Don’t forget: There’s still time to submit questions for us to ask the candidates! Click here to learn more about.

Ignore the date in the post; the deadline to submit questions is this Friday, August 10.

It appears that we picked a bad day to skip the weekly city council meeting. We figured that the Southern Heritage Festival item would pass easily, so we played hooky. We’d also figured that current Birmingham mayor Bernard Kincaid was planning to announce his plans to run for a third term in office this week after learning that he’d removed himself from the municipal election commission. We just didn’t think he’d announce today (the office pool had him announcing tomorrow at the earliest, BTW).

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Election ’07: Speaking of Catalyst…

We’re going to share all of the questions that are submitted to us for our candidates series to Catalyst for consideration to be used during the September 18 mayoral debate they are hosting with the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham at WorkPlay Theater. If you have not submitted a question us to consider using for our series, click here to submit them.

You may also click here to find out a little more about it. We plan on sharing some more information about our series soon. Stay tuned.

Election ’07: A call for questions

Election Questions Request

Click here to submit your questions.

Click here to view the original request for questions.

Click here to learn why we’re doing it.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

ELection 2007: The first mayoral forum is announced

During this morning’s city council meeting, The Parkway East District Business Association (PEDBA) [directions] handed out copies of a letter announcing their Eastern Area Mayoral Candidates Forum scheduled for next week Thursday, July 26. This would be the first such event organized during this mayoral election cycle.

The forum will be held at Parkway Christian Fellowship Church from 7 – 8:30 p.m. The letter states that the questions will be focused on specific needs of the Eastern area, including youth development, security, economic development and business.

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Election 2007: Smitherman’s in!

Smitherman's in!

This is what you’ll see when you pass by Birmingham City Council President Carole Smitherman’s office in the city center this morning.