Category Archives: Citywide

Election ’07: Preliminary results are tabulated

We got less than we thought we would to participate but am thankful for all that did take part in our Birmingham mayoral election poll. Fifty-two (52) votes were submitted; 4 of them were disqualified either for multiple IP address use or multiple submissions from an email.

Check out the submission link to see the results as they are posted. Expect the complete details results based on these submissions to be posted tomorrow morning.

While this was not a scientific poll by any stretch of the imagination, it does show the opinion of those that currently read The Terminal. That said, remember that this website WILL NOT be endorsing any candidate for the October 9 election.

Election ’07: Thanks to those that took part in our poll

We just closed the online mayoral poll at 3:03 p.m. We’ll be posting the preliminary results of the poll over on the submission page this afternoon before 4:30 p.m. We will put a link in this post when it becomes active.

Magic City a top city to do business

That’s according to the folks at as Birmingham was ranked as the 9th best city to do business in the country. Accroding to their site, they:

… measured the concentration of Fortune 1000, S&P 500, Russell 2000 and Forbes 400 private companies in the nation’s top 50 metro areas, as well as concentration of small businesses. The study also measured population growth, unemployment and job growth.

Los Angeles came in at #1. Click here to check out the rest of the list.

Random Shots: Is this what you think?

Anyone but Kincaid

Photo credit: Christina Tutor

Whether you do or you don’t, today’s the last day that you can register to vote in the upcoming Birmingham mayoral election! It’s also the last day that you can take part in our online mayoral poll.

Click over to Election ’07 to cast your vote in our poll (UPDATED, 9.28.2007, 4:34 p.m., see the preliminary results of our mayoral poll) and to download a voter registration form (or you could just click here).

Our poll closes at 3 p.m. today. We’ll let you know the initial results around 5 p.m. this evening.

FYI: Since the picture was taken, the sign shown is now joined by both Cooper AND Smitherman campaign signs.

You’ve got one more day to register to vote!

We’ve seen a lot of buzz starting to go around the local web about registering to vote. We’re also grateful to be mentioned in those bulletins and emails. So we’ll join in too; tomorrow is the last day you can register to vote in this upcoming mayoral election.

We’ll be making some last minute upgrades to our Election ’07 site tonight and we will be posting the initial results of our mayoral vote poll tomorrow afternoon after 4 p.m. Head on over and click on the link in the sidebar to download the state registration form (if you don’t want to go, just click here).

Click on over and vote if you have a couple of minutes. And check out the answers given during our Your Questions, Their Answers series from five of the candidates.

A good time to buy a home in Birmingham

This morning’s Operation New Birmingham (ONB) Breakfast Briefing is focusing on The State of City Center Residential Development. A recent issue of BusinessWeek Magazine is backing up the positive report that attendees are hearing so far, not just for the city center, but for the entire region. The September 18 issue lists Birmingham, AL as the third best bargain in the country if you’re looking for a new home. Don’t believe us, click here to see the slideshow that shows the ten best and worst places; we’re slide #4!

Election ’07: Don’t you want to know what they think the job entails?

Abbott post link Bell post link Cooper post link Kincaid post link Smitherman post link

We didn’t know if you knew we’d asked these candidates two more questions. Instead of posting them with the rest of the answers, we decided that we would begin building candidate profiles, with a little help from our friends over at Bhamwiki.

Click on the image above to hear the candidates answer two (2) questions; one specific to them and this question that got some very interesting responses:

How do you view the role of mayor as the city goes forward?

BTW: Don’t forget that you can still cast your vote for mayor in our online poll until 3 p.m. this Friday!