Category Archives: Alabama

A look back: September 7 & 8

September 7


The first child to have been born in the city of Birmingham, Richard McAnally, died.

September 8


John Carroll Catholic High School opened its doors for students for the first time.


And they’re STILL undefeated

That’s right, the BSC Panthers won their first football game since 1939 against Mississippi College 41-13 at Legion Field on Thursday evening.

Click here for an interactive recap of tonight’s game. (We don’t know how long the stats will be available, so you may want to check soon).

BSC Football: Undefeated since 1939

Bsc Football LogoOf course the main reason that they can say that is because they haven’t played a collegiate athletic association-sanctioned game since then. The streak is in jeopardy this evening when the Birmingham Southern College Panthers begin their 2007 season at 6 p.m. against Mississippi College at historic Legion Field.

There was a great deal of debate when the move from NCAA Division I to Division III athletics was announced; what went unnoticed was the conversation that occurred nationally after that decision was made. One of the more interesting commentaries came from respected sports writer and NPR contributor Frank Deford. Click here to hear Mr. Deford’s commentary filed this winter about some of the unexpected results of the move.

A look back: September 6

September 6:


Uss Birmingham

Photo credit: USS Birmingham (CL-62) Underway in the Hampton Roads area, Virginia, on 20 February 1943. Photographed by Naval Air Station, Hampton Roads. Courtesy of the U.S. Naval Institute. James C. Fahey Collection.

The USS Birmingham arrived at Pearl Harbor for reassignment with the Pacific Fleet.

Courtesy of

Election ’07: One last push for questions for the candidates

Election 2007 Logo
We’ve had a rather boring button located over on the far right corner of the page for the better part of a month trying to get folks to submit questions for the mayoral candidates using this form. So we figured we’d debut our really cool Election ’07 logo. Smile

(NOTE: When our site launches later this evening, this button will go live, as will the button we have for the sidebar.)

UPDATE: Hear their answers to your questions NOW on our Election ’07 site!

We also wanted to say thanks to all who’ve taken the time to submit their questions.

Now we’ve also mentioned our partnership with Catalyst in sharing our questions for the candidates forum scheduled for September 18. Well, we’re making one more plea for questions before we retire the page (and so that they’ll have some more questions for their forum). (You really want to read what’s after the jump)

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A look back: September 5

September 5:


Howell RainesHowell Raines was promoted to Executive Editor of the New York Times. He currently writes political commentary for British newspaper The Guardian.

To take a deeper look back, visit

A slight delay on election coverage

We know we promised election coverage beginning today. Unfortunately the little elves that live inside the computers over here don’t seem to want to cooperate to allow us to do that for you, so we’re going to delay rolling out the section by one more day. Sorry about that. We’d promise an incredibly super high-tech site tomorrow, but we hope you’d know us better than that by now 🙂