Category Archives: Alabama

Get out and support the Jena 6

MyUrbanReport has details about the “Get on the Bus” rally in front of the Jena, LA courthouse being organized for September 20. Americans for Justice Network will be sponsoring buses from several cities, including one from Birmingham. It also provides some information about how you can support the effort even if you’re unable to attend.

Many across the country are watching the situation in Louisiana unfold carefully, waiting to see just what the outcome will be for the six African American students that were originally charged with second-degree attempted murder after a high school fight. For those unfamiliar with the case, check out these links:

One of Jena 6 accused found guilty in high school beating, KATC3, 7.1.2007
Jena 6, Wikipedia
Justice for the Jena 6,
The Jena 6, While Seated

We’re in the paper! We’re in the paper!

The UAB student newspaper that is. Kaleidoscope reporter Kristi Houk recently interviewed our publisher André Natta and the story appeared in this week’s edition. Click here to take a look.

We also figured that we should share this article (PDF, 1.4 MB) that ran earlier this summer in Birmingham Magazine. We made the publication’s 2007 Hot List! Here’s a look at the page itself:

Image Of Hot List Page

We may be in one more publication this week before it’s all said and done, but we’ll let you know.

Election ’07: Let us know what you think about the candidates

While it’s not a forum, it’s a chance to see what you think about our slate of candidates for mayor. We’ve set up a page on the Election ’07 site where all we want you to do is offer your opinions about the candidates, all of them. Click on over there and join the conversation. We’ll be expanding opportunities to offer comments and opinions as we begin to post the answers to our podcasts with the candidates next week.

BTW: William Bell has now committed to answer the questions, leading us to begin posting the responses on Monday morning. The only major candidates that have not committed are incumbent Mayor Bernard Kincaid and Jefferson County Commissioner Larry Langford.

Birmingham’s singing police chief

Some of you may have heard that Birmingham police chief Annetta Nunn has recorded Henry Panion’s song “We Stand Strong” as a tribute to those that died during the terrorist attacks in September 2001 in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC. For those that didn’t hear it, here’s a link to the song (mp3 file).

You can also check out the score for the song and this video from Fox 6 earlier in the week.

What do you think?

A look back: September 13


Liberty National Statue Of Liberty

Photo credit: André Natta

Liberty National installed the one-fifth size bronze replica of the Statue of Liberty to the top of their building.

Spike Lee’s documentary 4 Little Girls premiered at the Alabama Theatre

Former governor George Wallace died.


Random Shots: The sale begins

Belk Downtown

Photo credit: Curtis Palmer 

A little blurry, this is the scene from the downtown Birmingham Belk this morning as more than 90 people stood in line waiting for the beginning of the “official” grand opening sale today for all area stores. The name change officially occurred on September 2. However, as we reported last month, the Parisian name lives on in metro Detroit.

A look back: September 12


Ruben Studdard

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

American Idol Ruben Studdard was born.
