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Urban Fabric playlist, 2.14.2009

02.16.2009 by André Natta · No Comments

Here’s the playlist from Urban Fabric with Ken Webb for February 14, 2009. Continue reading

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Urban Fabric playlist, 2.7.2009

02.14.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments


We’re happy to be hosting Urban Fabric with Ken Webb’s weekly playlist, starting with Ken’s February 7th playlist. The show is broadcast on Live 100.5 FM on Saturdays from 10:30 p.m. – 1:30 a.m. Continue reading

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Heartless Bastards climb The Mountain

02.12.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Heartless Bastards are coming to play Birmingham, AL tonight on the heels of their national television debut on Letterman. Take a look and a listen to what they’re about. Continue reading

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Roomful of Ghosts is hauntingly good

02.11.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Samm Bennett

This week’s Timetable Video of the Week gives us a taste of the music of Birmingham, AL native Samm Bennett. Continue reading

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Welcome Frigid Records

02.10.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

A new record store in Birmingham

Birmingham, AL welcomed its latest addition to its independent music store scene on Saturday. Come on in and learn more about them. Continue reading

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Vulture Whale’s latest efforts drops… TODAY!

02.3.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Come on over and take a listen to the latest from local band and friend to Birmingham’s hub, Vulture Whale! Continue reading

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Alabama’s invading HGTV’s That’s Clever

01.26.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

After learning about Charles’ appearance on HGTV’s That’s Clever tomorrow morning, we figured that it would be nice to see if there were any other local or regional artists (or ones with a connection to the area) that were going … Continue reading

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Urban Fabric hits the airwaves

01.19.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I was talking with our friend Ken Webb of Urban Fabric last night and he’s got a lot going on right now! Starting this weekend, Urban Fabric with Ken Webb will be on the air on Live 100.5 FM Saturday … Continue reading

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In Love With: A Warm, Dry Place

01.15.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

The only good thing you can say about all the rain we’ve been having is that at least it’s not snow. (We wouldn’t thaw out ’til June!) It has not been pleasant waking up every morning to another gloomy, moist … Continue reading

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Four bands representing the ‘Ham at SxSW

01.15.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The list of bands performing at this year’s edition of SxSW continues to grow, and so far the state of Alabama looks like it’s being represented quite nicely. Seven acts will grace venues in Austin, with four (that’s right – … Continue reading

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