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Got plans this weekend? 1.25 – 1.27

01.25.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

We’ve already told you about two chances to see presidential hopefuls Huckabee and Obama on Saturday and Sunday respectively. If it turns out you pick the right one to attend, you’ll be telling your grandkids you witnessed history being made. … Continue reading

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r3vrb destinations 1.24 – 1.26

01.24.2008 by sam · 0 Comments

Through the Sparks

Welcome to Thursday! Fear not, for the weekend is just around the bend and there’s plenty of great shows to take your mind off the daily grind. I’m rhyming today, apparently. Onwards and upwards:

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Looking through the lens of Birmingham books

01.23.2008 by André Natta · 3 Comments

Birmingham book Collection

Special to The Terminal. It is no secret that Birmingham’s history is one filled with infamous people and colorful events. It’s also one that has been well documented in the pages of books. But books don’t always survive the decades … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 1.18 – 1.20

01.18.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Oh my goodness! Did you hear the S-word on last night’s evening news? It’s causing quite a stir … and long lines at the grocery store. I’ve already got my milk, bread and beer so I’m ready for what I’m … Continue reading

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r3vrb Profile: Sons of Roswell

01.18.2008 by sam · 0 Comments

Sons of Roswell @ Bottletree

Some days I wish I’d been born a few decades earlier. There was a time when you could turn on the radio and hear excellent music from all walks, instead of the focus-grouped crapola that gets shoveled through the airwaves … Continue reading

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A Genesis Found holding casting call in Birmingham

01.18.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

A drawing of Moundville’s famous “Rattlesnake Disc”

Wonder Mill Films has announced that they’re going to hold auditions for their new feature film, A Genesis Found, in Birmingham on February 9 at 1 p.m. Auditions will take place on UAB’s campus in their theatre department (700 13th … Continue reading

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al.com revamps their local entertainment section

01.17.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Screenshot of new al.com entertainment section

Screenshot of http://www.al.com/entertainment/birmingham/ The folks at al.com decided to revamp their entertainment section. It was officially launched yesterday and combines the resources of The Birmingham News and the al.com community blogs. Click on the image above to take it for … Continue reading

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In Love With: Dive Bars

01.17.2008 by André Natta · 7 Comments

After last week’s overly frilly post, I feel the need to redeem what indie cred I have (which isn’t much, perhaps why I’m defensive about it). Thus, let me indulge the flip side of my girly-girl nature, don my combat … Continue reading

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r3vrb destinations 1.17 – 1.19

01.17.2008 by sam · 1 Comment

Wess Floyd

Hello again, my new-found friends. I hope those of you who followed my lead last week had a good time. I sure did! Ready for another one? This week boasts a couple of big-name acts, and a little bit of … Continue reading

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Slamming in the ‘Ham

01.16.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Ultimate Fighting Champion Matt Hughes is cruising through Birmingham tomorrow night. He’ll be at the Wildwood Shopping Center Books-A-Million location at 7 p.m. He’ll be ready to pose for pictures and will be signing his new book Made in America, … Continue reading

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