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Got plans this weekend? 9.12 – 9.14

09.12.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Last week, I had a theme for the weekend. This week, the only thing these events have in common is that I find them halfway interesting. Maybe you will too. If you regret not taking Basket Weaving 101 in college, … Continue reading

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Party at Bottletree. Music always included.

09.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments


Tonight at Bottletree: Gil Mantera’s Party Dream! Any band that I talk to that makes time to mention their undying love for Failure earns an instant fangirl shriek from yours truly (cover you ears, Ultimate Donny!). I had a very very … Continue reading

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Last weekend in pictures

09.8.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Jonathan Boyd of the Photonicas - gpatkinson/Flickr

Here’s a weekend wrap-up courtesy of me and my faithful photographer, George Atkinson. More photos can be found in George’s Flickr photostream. The Photonicas show @ Cave9 (9.6.2008): Photo: Jonathan Boyd of the Photonicas. gpatkinson/Flickr. A couple more after the … Continue reading

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The Photonicas unleash new EP on the masses

09.6.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

With their EP release show tonight, I knew I had to meet with the members of the Photonicas to see exactly what kind of musical surprises they were about to set free upon us.  This is alot of anticipation on … Continue reading

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Weekend Music Workout

09.5.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

If you want to get with the Whitney Weekend Workout, it’s fairly simple. Just go to an inhumanly possible amount of shows around town and try to stay awake. That’s all. Wait! There’s a late night BK chicken sandwich involved … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 9.5 – 9.7

09.5.2008 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Yep, I’m out of sports cliches. So without any further witty banter, I’m just going to get on with it … Friday, if you work downtown, stay downtown. If you don’t work downtown, forget the commute home and point your … Continue reading

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Tonight, we have signal!

09.3.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We Have Signal image - APTV

I will be at Bottletree tonight for the We Have Signal preview. We’d never miss out on the opportunity to watch a rare union in Birmingham take place: good music and local TV. There’s a reception — yay for popcorn and drinks — and … Continue reading

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In Love with: School Days and Dog Days

09.2.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Growing up in Virginia, we had a law that school couldn’t start until the week after Labor Day. Apparently, the thinking went that high schoolers were a vital source of labor for the end-of-summer tourist boom at our historic sites … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 8.29 – 8.31

08.29.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Photo: IM000149. djxspike/Flickr. The theme for this weekend is to get outside and enjoy the sunshine. That’s after we spent last weekend with Fay and before Gustav brings us more rain. And it’s Labor Day weekend, the last party of … Continue reading

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Bottletree scores Oxford Collapse

08.25.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Tonight, Brooklyn-based Oxford Collapse is playing Bottletree! These guys have toured with one of my Top 5 favorite bands, We Are Scientists, so that’s good enough for me. If you — like most intelligent people — aren’t an easily convinced … Continue reading

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