Tag Archives: journalism

Former Lipstick editor wins awards

We figured with all of the talk about skirt! that we needed to let you know what was up with one the folks who used to be at Lipstick.

Laurel Mills was no doubt ecstatic last month when the winners of the 59th annual Green Eyeshade Awards, were announced. The awards are given out by the Society of Professional Journalists and acknowledge excellence in journalism in 11 Southeastern states. This year there were 17 finalists from Alabama; Mills won two of the awards in the Print – Nondaily Division for pieces written while she was serving as the managing editor of Lipstick Magazine, which folded in February 2009.

Serious commentary award for “Lauren,” published in the magazine’s May 2008 issue.

Humorous commentary award for “This One Time at Camp …,” published in the magazine’s July 2008 issue.

Godspeed, Tim; go get ’em!

Before we get back to our regularly scheduled blogging, we’re going to ask you to take a moment if you haven’t already this weekend…

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/RaO8v44DADM" width="400" height="329" wmode="transparent" /]
Thunder Road live in NYC – Targuzz/YouTube
Godspeed, Tim.