Tag Archives: history

A look back: January 10


Bobby Humphreys headshot

Jefferson County Commissioner Bobby Humphryes was born in Bessemer.


Magic City Blues Society logo

The Magic City Blues Society was incorporated.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

A look back: January 9


Attorney Samuel Burr died.

Chief Dwayne Murray resigned from the BFRS to take a post in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

A look back: December 22 – 24

December 22


Babec - Birmingham Zoo

Babec was born.

December 23


Justfor Feet logo

Businessman Harold Ruttenberg died.

December 24


St. Elias Maronite Church

The first liturgy at St Elias Maronite Church‘s new church was celebrated.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Take a Moment: Remembering the original Batman of Birmingham

When we recently posted about the new online crime map created by members of the group Victims of Birmingham Crime, we referenced the moderator of the group, who called himself the Birmingham Batman.

We figured that some of you would enjoy taking a look at the original Batman of Birmingham, Willie Perry, through the eyes of Lou Anders over on his blog, Bowing to the Future (including this new entry about him that includes a picture of the Batmobile itself).