Tag Archives: food

Fire + Ice joins Birmingham’s restaurant scene

The scene inside Fire + Ice on March 22, 2008 during a special invitation only sneak peek.

Bob Farley/f8photo

Those that visit Five Points South may notice a new occupant in the space that formerly housed a Gap and Seaside, FL based-Quincy Art Shop.

Fire + Ice Improvisational Grill officially opened yesterday afternoon after inviting some folks to try out their newest location (and first in the Southeastern U.S.) on Saturday evening. Additional locations are planned for Dubai and Panama later this year.

Guests were treated to a sneak peek event of what the restaurant has to offer. We could write about the place, the lively atmosphere and the food, but we figured why not just share some images taken by Bob Farley at the event.

We also wouldn’t mind a comment or two from folks that have already tried it out to let us know what you think…