The latest

No fake mustaches in church? Really?

03.16.2010 by André Natta · No Comments

A Fake Moustache Warning. bovinity/Flickr

Sometimes all it takes is appearing in a ranking of the craziest cities in the United States according to a popular blog to take note of just how insane some laws are… Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Building our way out of traffic

03.15.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

US 31/280 sign

The option appears to be to build our way out of our current traffic situation here in Birmingham, AL. We’re hoping you’ll share your thoughts with us about whether or not this idea is crazy enough to work… Continue reading

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Birthdays everywhere

03.15.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Octagon Clock. Pam Morgan/Flickr

A lot of anniversaries to celebrate in Birmingham, AL this weekend… including our own. Yep, we’ve survived three years. Continue reading

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What is the future of coworking in Birmingham?

03.9.2010 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Shift Workspace Bob Farley/f8Photo

It’s looking like we’re about to lose our offline home here in Birmingham, AL. There’s a group of folks in town though that are hoping that you’ll come out tonight and share your thoughts about how that won’t be allowed to happen… Continue reading

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How should we celebrate three years?

03.4.2010 by André Natta · 2 Comments

This site’s getting ready to turn three years old in ten days… It’s probably time to start thinking about how to celebrate (at least it seems like a good reason to celebrate). Continue reading

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UPDATE: Leon Redbone’s in town TONIGHT!

02.26.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Leon Redbone

We’ve got tickets to the Leon Redbone show tonight over at Sipsey Tavern in Birmingham’s Five Points South district. Continue reading

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Birmingham-JeffCo History Museum is full-speed ahead

02.26.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Photo by Bob Farley/f8Photo

Remember when we told you about the new history museum for Birmingham, AL? Well, it looks like things are moving forward according to plan… Continue reading

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