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Don’t forget about the Kickball charity game tonight!

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

There seems to be a love affair across the country with kickball and Birmingham is no exception. There are teams that play downtown, folks trying to organize leagues and then there are the folks that started doing this just for … Continue reading

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In other news

Cocktails in the Gardens, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

This collaboration between Royal Automotive and the Friends of the Birmingham Botanical Gardens serves as a way to introduce the Gardens to area young  through this new series of events.The events will take place from August through October , each … Continue reading

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ASC Social Club goes Bollywood, Alys Stephens Center

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

UAB’s Alys Stephens Center gets a chance to show off its new Haskell Courtyard to the public during this ASC Social Club event. Geared towards young professionals, the event will feature bellydancers courtesy of Zivah Saphira, music, Bollywood movies, Indian … Continue reading

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Launch party update: Congrats to Ronald McDonald House

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We’re about to turn on the archives, but we’d like to officially announce that the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama was selected by the majority of the 381 people that took the time to vote last week to be … Continue reading

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We warned you; now you’re on your own

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 6 Comments

It’s no secret that more state toopers will be on local highways starting today through Friday so if you get a ticket, it’s your own fault. Everybody’s already tried to warn you: Fox 6 ABC 33/40 The Alabama Department … Continue reading

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2007 Drought: What’s up at the zoo?

08.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

So it’s still hot… and it’s not going away anytime soon, with today’s high reaching 103°. We know how we’re fairing in the heat, but how about the residents at one of the state’s busiest tourist destinations. The folks at … Continue reading

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Three Parks: Red Mountain next steps discussed

08.10.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Red Mountain Park Commission During August 10 Meeting

Yesterday afternoon the Red Mountain Park Commission met at Vulcan Park receive the final draft master plan from representatives from WRT. Among action items taken by the commission, the group unanimously agreed to move forward and begin a search for … Continue reading

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