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Fresh food aplenty today

08.25.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Some folks forget that we have a farmers market that’s been open daily in town for years. If you’re wide awake and you’re wondering what to do this morning before the heat settles in again today, you may want to … Continue reading

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In other news

The Countdown: T-minus 4 days…

08.25.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Launch Party Image

List of door prizes available here.

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It’s a grand re-opening in Homewood

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Red Dot Series

Scott Bennett’s Red Dot Series potter. Bob Farley/f8photo For those looking for a quieter way to spend this evening than our first two options, check out this post over on Timetable so you can find out where you can see … Continue reading

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From the Stationmaster: New Comment Policy

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 3 Comments

Good afternoon everybody. I’ve resisted doing this mainly because encouraging discussion about issues is a main goal of The Terminal. However, recent comments that have been submitted have led me to begin moderating all comments prior to their being posted … Continue reading

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Magic City Question: The sign’s going up today

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Yes, for those of you that have noticed the big crane atop Red Mountain this morning, there is a new sign joining Vulcan and the transmission towers today. WBRC’s red neon glow will now be joined in the coming days … Continue reading

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Election ’07: The spotlight’s on Langford

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

Larry Langford

Many people in the city feel as though the former Jefferson County commission president already has the mayor’s office on the third floor of city hall in downtown Birmingham locked up. Doc’s Political Parlor made this post on August 22 … Continue reading

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Togas and BBQ (and more) this weekend

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

There are plenty of things to keep you busy this weekend… so many that we’re going to spend most of the day making sure you know about them whether through our Timetable calendar on our front page and its companion … Continue reading

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