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Two chances to vote Birmingham this week

07.16.2012 by André Natta · No Comments

Birmingham has a good history of helping folks get far on television shows where online and text voting is key (think Roy Wood, Jr., Ruben Studdard, Taylor Hicks). Well, we’ve got two more chances in the coming days to help folks get noticed. Find out who (& how)… Continue reading

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Instagrams of Birmingham? There’s an online home for them

07.14.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

With all of the folks out there taking photos of Birmingham, AL with their smartphones and sharing them with apps like Instagram, it was only a matter of time before some of them figured out a way to make sure folks knew about them. It seems to be catching on quickly… Continue reading

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A nice week for Motus Motorcycles

07.12.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

There probably wasn’t much doubt at all, but it was probably a relaxed feeling at the Innovation Depot offices of Motus Motorcycles after receiving incentives from the City of Birmingham and approval for work to be done on the facade of their new home on the city’s Southside. Continue reading

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Pics or Artur’s party change didn’t happen? How about video?

07.12.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Former Democratic Party rising star Artur Davis has been making the rounds recently talking about his recent split from the party. It’s one thing to be interviewed about your reasons by NPR; it’s another to hear the stump speech as it’s delivered to the Northern Virginia Tea Party back on July 10. Continue reading

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Housing vacancy goes up, apartment vacancy goes down

07.12.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

When one number goes up, another must come down. It seemed like that would be the case anyway based on two reports released weeks apart about Birmingham, AL’s housing market at the midway point of 2012. Overall, things are looking pretty good right now. Continue reading

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UPDATE: A petition supporting area food trucks appears

07.11.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

There are a lot of things on people’s minds in Birmingham, AL right now. There have had a lot of online petitions being shared as well. The latest example available is one being circulated seeking support for the city’s growing food truck scene as well as why it happened today. Continue reading

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Store is on target in Homewood

06.26.2012 by André Natta · 1 Comment

This afternoon the raising of a beam at the site of the old Bruno’s on the Colonial Brookwood Village property adjacent to Highway 31 in Homewood could signal a shift in where retailers choose to build and invest to attract area shoppers. Continue reading

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