The latest

Why yes, that is Chris Pollone…

08.27.2012 by André Natta · No Comments

You don’t need to adjust your television set or wonder if you’ve been sucked back in time… Chris Pollone is on your television screen – at least for the month of September – as Alabama’s 13 launches a new weeknight sports program. Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Nice crowd for Saturday city comp plan forum

08.27.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Saturday August 25 saw approximately 250 people turn out at the Birmingham Museum of Art to learn about the progress made in the city’s comprehensive plan process. Yes, this thing’s just gotten real… Continue reading

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ALDOT shares Plan A, then springs possible Plan B for I-20/59

07.19.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

A small crowd showed up to participate in what they thought would just be a regular ALDOT public hearing involving plans to replace the I-20/59 deck between U.S. Highway 31 and Malfunction Junction. Then came a request from the City of Birmingham and Jefferson County… Continue reading

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Construction of new Walgreens on Clairmont progresses

07.18.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s not exactly a slow news day in Birmingham, but it was probably time to do a visual check-in on the city’s soon-to-be newest pharmacy option (or rather their latest location) while looking at what other news they’ve been making – around the world. Continue reading

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A website launches for 2013 commemoration

07.17.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

There have been a lot of residents in Birmingham wanting to know more details about the city’s plans for next year’s commemoration of the events of 1963. There’s a website that may be able to start answer some of those questions. Continue reading

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Yes, Real Rap Wives of Birmingham exists

07.17.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Every once in a while, a search query shows up via the admin backend of the site that just has to be checked out. Checking on this query led us to the existence of a two-part launch of a web-based series here in Birmingham, AL. Continue reading

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The latest on the USFL and Birmingham? We’ll find out tonight

07.16.2012 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Back in May we learned a reimagined USFL was considering Birmingham, AL as one of the eight cities it wants involved in its 2013 inaugural season. Monday evening, July 16, their CEO will present what could be to those interested via radio (while the UFL attempts a relaunch of its own). Continue reading

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