The latest

Full Moon wine and cheese hike, Ruffner Mountain

04.9.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

Welcome summer with Ruffner’s unique social event. Moderate hike to Hawk’s View Overlook. View a fantastic sunset, enjoy refreshments and good company. Adults only. No pets please, not even adult pets. Call 833-8264 for more information. Cost: $15/$10 for members … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Mountain Marketplace, Bluff Park United Methodist Church

04.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Mountain Marketplace is a unique blend of artists and vendors showcasing their art and merchandise. A variety of mediums will be represented including watercolor, oil and acrylic paintings, pottery, sculpture, photography, ceramics, mosaics and handcrafted jewelry. Along side the art … Continue reading

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Wildflower hike, Ruffner Mountain

04.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The diversity of plant life on Birmingham’s Ruffner Mountain is never more evident than in Spring when beautiful wildflowers are in bloom. Join a naturalist-led hike to see these beauties. Just look for the brown signs to show you the … Continue reading

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Want to contribute to Birmingham’s hub?

04.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s time to make that quarterly request for those interested in writing posts for The Terminal to make yourselves known to us. Now that we’ve been around for a year, it’s becoming tougher and tougher for those that are still … Continue reading

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We did promise Art on the Rocks info

04.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Art on the Rocks 2007 logo

Art on the Rocks starts next month at the Birmingham Museum of Art (May 16 to be exact). So we figured that we’d provide some links, some images, some music and some info to get you feeling anxious for it … Continue reading

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A look back: April 9

04.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1942: United States Representative Earl Hilliard was born in Birmingham. 2002: Gospel singer Dorothy Love Coates died of heart failure in Birmingham. Courtesy:

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Fresh Ground Comics, Safari Cup Coffee

04.8.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We figured it’d be best to use the words of the FGC to describe the event as it’s the best: For those who know us, good to see you again, for those who don’t, we provide the finest alternative, lactose … Continue reading

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