The latest

“Bridging Peace” concert, Virginia Samford Theatre

05.6.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

The Birmingham International Center offers the “Bridging Peace: The Sounds of Jordan and Israel in Perfect Harmony” concert this Saturday. The Intercultural Journeys Ensemble will perform music from Jordan and Israel in addition to newly composed pieces which blend Middle … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Random Shots: An update on the birds

05.6.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Fledgling - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo  The cardinal chicks fledged Wednesday afternoon. One minute they were perched on the nest the next they were in the trees and bushes. The young birds, if the survive the next few days, will be flying but still … Continue reading

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On the agenda: Money, development, money (and anger)

05.6.2008 by André Natta · 8 Comments

Workers along the railroad tracks

So the big news for this morning’s City Council meeting is not necessarily one that is on the agenda, but an item that will be brought up during Mayor Langford’s comments, at least according to this morning’s Birmingham News. They … Continue reading

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A look back: May 6

05.6.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments logo

1967: The Japanese Garden at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens opened to the public as part of the Birmingham Festival of Arts Salute to Japan. 2005: Birmingham and Plze?, Czech Republic signed a Sister City agreement in Plze?’s Obradni sin (City … Continue reading

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“Garden Party with a City View,” Jones Valley Urban Farm

05.5.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The advisory board of Bare Hands Gallery invites everyone to this community event to raise funds for the gallery’s public education initiatives, exhibits and events. “The Garden Party with A City View” is scheduled for Saturday from 7-10 p.m. at … Continue reading

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Paws on the Patio visits Mt. Laurel

05.5.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Hand in Paw has announced that Area 41 Pizza in Mt. Laurel will host Paws on the Patio every Monday through the month of June. The restaurant will donate 8% of the evenings’ sales to Hand in Paw. They’ve also … Continue reading

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Steve and Leah take to the airwaves

05.5.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Tune in to WERC 960 AM this morning before 11 a.m. and you can say you were listening the first day that Steve Shannon and Leah Brandon were on the air together in The Magic City. The radio veterans started … Continue reading

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