The latest

UPDATE: Gas prices rising

09.12.2008 by André Natta · No Comments

UPDATE: 5 p.m. – Share gas prices on with The Hub – right here… We’d post links, but we’re all aware of the rising gas prices across the country in general and here in Birmingham in particular. We started hearing … Continue reading

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In other news

Stuff we want for the weekend

09.12.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I’ve got dishes to wash, two loads of laundry to fold, garbage to take to the alley … I know it’s not just me. We’re all so busy these days. But the weekend, oh, it really should be time for … Continue reading

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We remember

09.11.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Staten Island 9/11 Memorial - acnatta/Flickr

I do not normally redirect readers from here over to Dre’s Ramblings (my personal blog – currently being rebuilt as a self-hosted version) but I feel that on this 7th anniversary of 9/11 there is nothing that I can write … Continue reading

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Another one joins the block

09.10.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Gypsy Market - downtown Birmingham

Gypsy Store Facade. acnatta/Flickr. Well, Kent Griggs finished the new Gypsy Store on 2nd Avenue North exactly when he said he was going to in an interview last month. Visitors to last weekend’s Artwalk were among the first ones to … Continue reading

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Larry’s latest suggestion is unveiled; thoughts?

09.9.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We’re going to ask you about your thoughts on Larry’s latest plan for today’s Magic City Question… No, we’re not talking about the planned renovations to City Hall for compliance with ADA access, or the suggestion that we purchase the … Continue reading

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Cousin Cliff is gone

09.9.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Mike Royer made the announcement at the beginning of last night’s 10 p.m. news broadcast on NBC 13 with The Birmingham News and edits to his BhamWiki entry following suit as the news began to spread across The Magic City … Continue reading

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Steve’s last day is Oct. 3

09.8.2008 by André Natta · 26 Comments

It won’t exactly be the same when you hear Steve Chiotakis‘ voice on the radio after October 3 – mainly because he’ll be ending his reports saying “Marketplace” instead of “WBHM.” The local host of NPR’s Morning Edition (serving as … Continue reading

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