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Big dreams can hurt sometimes

08.1.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

I am always one for dreaming big dreams; it’s what leads to the development of great cities. After all I’m from a city where dreams are encouraged and sometimes fulfilled. That being said, I am still dumbfounded by people who … Continue reading

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Recent commentaries

Lead, Birmingham

07.18.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

People are waiting for a savior in Birmingham. This savior must be able to pick up every piece of trash off of the streets, keep grass along the streets cut and in pristine condition and be able to renovate every … Continue reading

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Is it really all about the “dome”?

07.9.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Editor’s note: Originally posted on Dre’s Ramblings on March 23, I felt that it was pertinent to post again, especially with the recent talk about the entertainment district and the BJCC expansion. Let us know what you think by posting … Continue reading

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Our plans for the 2007 mayor's race

07.1.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

NOTE: You can check out our election coverage over at Election ’07 The first “serious” poll that we ran focused on what should be one of the major issues in the city of Birmingham as it continues to move forward … Continue reading

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Your thoughts on the Siegelman & Scrushy sentences

06.29.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

My Birmingham is actually about your Birmingham; what your thoughts and opinions are on issues affecting the city and the greater metropolitan area. This particular story also seems to have captured the interest of the state and the country. So, … Continue reading

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Droughts can teach us unexpected lessons

06.25.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

I was two years old when the 1977 New York City blackout added the extra burden of climbing 16 flights of stairs onto an already sweltering heat wave. My parents can still recall scenes of looting and mayhem as they … Continue reading

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City Stages 2007: Some thoughts for the future

06.18.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

George McMillan walked out onto the Legacy Credit Union Stage on Saturday evening just before Dr. John was ready to take the stage. McMillan incidentally decided that he would be at this stage for most of the festival; while he … Continue reading

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