Category Archives: technology

Ron Paul online support held up by bots?

Ron Paul photoThat’s the word from Gary Warner, the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s director of research in computer forensics and others in an article on earlier this week. It’s made the rounds throughout the blogosphere and it’s beginning to show its face in mainstream media.

The story maintains that Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul (pictured) had no involvement in an aggressive spamming bot campaign that is said to have inflated Paul’s online poll and support numbers. Makes you wonder just how accurate will these online polls will be as elections become more sophisticated?

Palmer steps down from TechBirmingham post

Curtis Palmer photoTechBirmingham President and CEO Curtis Palmer has announced that he will be stepping down from those positions effective close of business Wednesday. According to the press release, Palmer (who also contributes to The Terminal) will remain on the board of directors and still manage Ecycling Day efforts among other things.

The official announcement is over on the non-profit organization’s TechBlog. For those interested in just what this change means, the organization is having a TechMixer on November 6 at the Innovation Depot. You can pick their brains then.

ONB launches new website

ONB new homepage

Your city center economic development organization now has a brand new online home. The folks at Operation New Birmingham been working on the new site for several months now, with the formal unveiling scheduled to take place later this month. Head on over and check it out.

We’re particularly happy because of a certain hub for information being included in their “In the News” section.

NBC 13 first local news to broadcast in HD

According to a news story/press release published on MSNBC, the Birmingham, AL NBC affiliate will be the first station in the state of Alabama to broadcast their local news coverage in high definition. The transmissions will begin on October 17 with their 10 p.m. broadcast.

All of the major stations carry their local news on their HD signals, but NBC 13 would be the first to actually take advantage of the technology. The changes will coincide with a new set designed to take advantage of the new technology.

While we’re at it we appreciate MSNBC listing us under their local blogs heading on their redesigned local page for Birmingham.

Tomorrow’s the day Jeremy hits 1,000,000!

Jeremy Harper - Myspace.comJeremy’s almost there! He predicts that tomorrow at approximately 6:30 p.m. he will have completed the Millioncount. This has been an interesting event to say the least and according to the website, the fun’s just beginning.

Plans call for him to join the festivities at The Barking Kudu after getting a few moments of down time with a weekend of fun and activities for all to follow. Then, after a longer break, The Harper Show begins on

Click here to read it from the man’s mouth (or hands as the case may be).

And congratulations early, Jeremy.

Related links:

Yes, He Really Is Counting To 1 Million Online
He’s Still Going, And Going, And Going

UAB IT internship program seeks applicants

UAB’s Information Technology Internship Program has let us know they have 13 positions available for the 2007-2008 academic year. Open to students enrolled at the school, interns in the program work 20 hours per week in a variety of positions throughout the IT organization. Students are paid stipends and receive a tuition scholarship, and their work hours are flexible.

“This is a great way for students to gain work experience in their field of study,” said Jaime Hudson, who coordinates the program for the university’s Office of the Vice President for Information Technology. “Our past interns have told us that they enjoyed learning valuable skills while being challenged by important projects.”

For more information contact Hudson at 975-2853, e-mail or visit

ipsa job board launches

Ipsa Job Board ScreenshotInternet Professionals Society of Alabama (IPSA) has announced the creation of a job board, currently available on their website. The board, powered by WordPress, provides a one-stop shop for job seekers to learn about opportunities in our technology & web development industries. It looks like another great tool to make people aware of what’s available here in Birmingham and the surrounding region.