Category Archives: Regionwide

United Way announces pacesetter campaign goal

The United Way of Central Alabama announced its goal for the annual pacesetter campaign on Tuesday afternoon at B&A Warehouse.

The goal set for this summer by UWCA and their corporate partners is $7.75 million, $500,000 more than last year’s goal (the total raised in 2006 was $8.1 million). Continue reading

Cultural Alliance announces study results

Cultural Alliance announcement - Dudley - Yarborough 

Dudley Reynolds, incoming chair of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, addressing the crowd gathered in the Children’s Zoo at the Birmingham Zoo as Cultural Alliance executive director Kathy Yarborough holds a sign announcing the economic impact of arts & culture on Jefferson County.

Click here to read more about today’s announcement on Timetable

UPDATE: Water Works to announce Stage 3, will apply surcharges

6.7.2007 – Stage 3 announcement has been reposted on BWW website. All links are now active.

UPDATE: It appears as though the warning has been removed from the site as quickly as it appeared. We did save a PDF of the page using the site’s print function, (just in case) though it would be safe to assume that the warning may have been released earlier than intended.

4:37 p.m.;It appears that they will be making the formal announcement sometime tomorrow (Thursday). We will assume that at that time, either these links will be reactivated or new links will be created on the site. We will update this post accordingly and provide new information as it becomes available.

The Birmingham Water Works, serving much of the Birmingham, AL metropolitan area, has announced that the region served is now in Stage 3 of its drought management plan.

All watering guidelines that were in place during Stage 2 are now mandatory with violators facing penalties.

The Water Works site has the guidelines posted as part of the release, though the surcharges are not. Let’s hope it doesn’t get much worse before it gets better.

#1 for long term economic growth

Birmingham, Alabama has been ranked as the #1 city for economic vitality out of the top 100 metropolitan areas. Those are the findings from a recent BizJournals survey that reviewed the per capita income for those areas over the last 25 years. The report was published online on Tuesday.

The study shows that the city’s active diversification of its industry during the 25-year period aided greatly in achieving the improved results. The site provides links to the methodology used as well as the rankings of the other 99 metro areas.

Just a reminder…

VOTE! There’s always lunchtime today, or after work, but get out there and make sure your voice is heard!

If you’re wondering just what you’re voting on, our first editorial over at My Birmingham includes links and details about the two amendments in question.

Happy voting! 

Economic impact of arts and culture to be announced Wednesday

The Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham sent e-mails out late last week announcing a press conference that will take place on Wednesday morning, June 6, at 10 a.m.

They are asking those interested to meet in the Children’s Zoo section of the Birmingham Zoo to hear how Jefferson County is impacted by arts and culture. The results of an independent survey will be shared with the general public. The Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Birmingham Convention and Visitors Bureau, Economic Development Partnership of Alabama and the state tourism office are all listed on the announcement for the press conference. Continue reading

A Birmingham symbol begins to disappear

Amsouth/Regions logo

Sign installers have been methodically replacing signs at AmSouth locations with the new Regions Bank logo. This one is located at the intersection of 5th Avenue North and 22nd Street North in the Central City neighborhood at a current drive-thru location.

The merger was completed in the 4th quarter of 2006. Branches are preparing to complete the changeover systemwide no later than October 2007, with the first branch conversions to be completed in July.