Category Archives: politics

Obama excites crowd at Sheraton

As we reported last month, presidential hopeful and current U.S. senator from Illinois Barack Obama made his first appearance of the 2008 campaign season in the Magic City this evening.  Approximately 2,000 people paid $25 each for the opportunity to see Obamaat an event at the Sheraton Birmingham downtown. They also heard comments from U.S. Representative Artur Davis and former NBA basketball player Charles Barkley.

Please enjoy this collection of images courtesy of Bob Farley from the event.

NOTE: Press "N" to advance the photo gallery and "P" to go backwards.


2007 Drought: What do you think of the governor’s proclamation?

Governor Riley’s recent proclamation urging Alabama residents to pray for rain has drawn a wide range of opinions about his use of power. Here are two differing views of last week’s announcement:

Drought stricken Alabama has a prayer for relief, Change of Subject (Chicago Tribune), 7.6.2007

Rain Of Error: Constitutional Drought In Alabama, The Wall of Separation, 7.2.2007

What are your thoughts?


Mr. Obama comes to Birmingham (next month)

Campaign for Change has been busy today posting Myspace bulletins announcing the pending arrival of 2008 presidential hopeful Barack Obama in Birmingham, Alabama.

He will be making his first visit of the campaign season to the Magic City on July 9, speaking to an audience at the Sheraton Birmingham downtown. He’ll be the latest in the string of presidential hopefuls coming to garner support of party locals. Just last week, Sen. John McCain decided to come into town the Friday night of City Stages.