Category Archives: News

Permit for former News bldg site to be approved

According to sources familiar with the situation, The Birmingham News may receive a construction permit that would allow for the demolition of its 1917 structure and its replacement with a parking lot as early as this afternoon.

The construction permit for the new surface parking facility at the intersection of 4th Avenue North and 22nd Street North is all that would be needed to allow for the original structure to be taken down and not a demolition permit as has been previously assumed. Continue reading

House refuses to honor Blackledge

The Associated Press is reporting that Alabama House of Representatives tabled a resolution yesterday that would have recognized Birmingham News reporter Brett Blackledge for his winning of a Pulitzer Prize earlier this year.

According to the report, several representatives took the opportunity to openly question Blackledge’s stories. Blackledge won the Prize for his reports on corruption within the state’s two-year college system (the series is still ongoing). Continue reading

Parker High School graduates first white student today

This story has been picked up by regional media; here’s a link to the story as it ran on Jacksonville’s Times-Union site. and it is one of national importance. The school, which has seen notoriety before, including being Nell Carter’s alma mater, makes history again today as a somewhat symbolic event takes place. Continue reading

Ozone alert season begins

Air quality badgeYou may be wondering why there wasn’t a lot of activity yesterday on The Terminal… We figured that we’d do our small part to reduce our carbon footprint with the region’s first air quality alert day of the season, though it’s hardly enough to do that by ourselves. Today will be a repeat, with our local air quality being at a "moderate" level due to the continued presence of winds blowing in from the south. UPDATE: The air quality alert  has been raised to red for today according to this report by The Birmingham News. Continue reading

More want to CommuteSmart

Birmingham’s CommuteSmart program is starting to see business pick up because of the rising cost of gas.

Last week it announced that 20 businesses have recently signed on, agreeing to implement alternative transportation options. This list includes Alabama Power, Baptist Health System, Golden Flake Snacks and UAB.

The program’s website provides information about their offerings and reminds visitors of several facts, including some interesting facts about the organization. The program is a project of the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham. Continue reading

Rt. Hon. Michael Martin, Birmingham International Center

The speaker of the British House of Commons is scheduled to speak at the Birmingham International Center on May 31.

According to a report from the Montgomery Advertiser, the Rt. Hon. Michael Martin and his wife, Mary, are meeting with lawmakers in the southeastern United States to build additional relationships.

The center’s mission, according to its website, is to promote mutual understanding between cultures. Their hope is to do their part in creating a more open, accepting Alabama.

A reception honoring Mr. Martin will be held in the center’s atrium, located at 1910 3rd Avenue, North. For more information, contact the center at 205.252.7652 or

Only water when you have to!

That’s the word from the Birmingham Water Works as the region falls deeper and deeper into Stage 2 drought conditions.

According to a press release published on their website , here’s the deal:

Addresses ending in an even number (0,2,4,6,8) should water established lawns and landscaping on Monday and Thursday, and addresses ending in an odd number (1,3,5,7,9) should water on Tuesday and Friday. No watering is permitted on Wednesday, Saturday or Sunday under Stage Two guidelines.

According to Mac Underwood, the water works’ general manager, if watering is not reduced and rain does not come while we’re in Stage Two, the next stage of of the drought plan will be implemented. Stage 3 calls for restrictions and surcharges. Continue reading