Category Archives: Alabama

Election ’07: And now there are six

And it’s not the one you were expecting. The Birmingham News reports that Barry Taylor announced his intention to run for mayor yesterday afternoon. Taylor is works for the city as an inspector and joins what promises to be a packed house. There are now as few as one and as many as three more people considering declaring their candidacy, joining the others that already officially declared their candidacy.

You can still submit your questions for all of the candidates for our upcoming series by clicking here (they will also be possibly used for the candidates forum scheduled for September 18.

Travelogue: Seattle chimes in on “elevated 280” letter

Late last night, Metroblogging Seattle’s Dylan Wilbanks decided to post his comments about this letter published in yesterday’s Birmingham News (scroll down, it’s the last one) about the proposed elevated highway solution along U.S. 280. He’s currently in town to care for family and applauds alternative solutions to the traffic crunch along our region’s busiest road, but he does take some time to point out exactly what’s going on with regards to their effort over in America’s Emerald City. While he’s collecting opinions over on the West Coast, we’d love to hear what you think…

Red Mountain Park draft master plan revealed tomorrow

We were hoping to get up a special section about the three parks initiative before any more announcements were made. The guys at Red Mountain Park decided to put a wrench in that plan (albeit a welcome one).

They’ve planned a public presentation of their Final Draft Master Plan by the park’s designers, Wallace, Roberts & Todd, to the park’s commission at 3 p.m. at Vulcan Park.

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Launch party update: The Bottletree on August 29th!

We’re holding our “post-launch” party at The Bottletree on Wednesday, August 29!

It will also double as the second annual Happy Hour for a Cause – and this year you’re choosing who gets to benefit from the event.

Click here to learn about the nominees!

If you have not already voted for a charity, please check out our front page and vote now. Used cell phones will also be collected at the door to donate to the Hopeline project.

We’ll get started at 5 p.m. and keep going until 8 p.m., (though we may be there after that). The folks over there will be kind enough to let us enjoy happy hour prices during the event as well as some specials (we’ll also have some appetizers to snack on).

We’ve got another crazy idea with regards to this event – which we’ll share later on this week.

Just start spreading the word!

Election ’07: It was only a matter of time

Don’t forget: There’s still time to submit questions for us to ask the candidates! Click here to learn more about.

Ignore the date in the post; the deadline to submit questions is this Friday, August 10.

It appears that we picked a bad day to skip the weekly city council meeting. We figured that the Southern Heritage Festival item would pass easily, so we played hooky. We’d also figured that current Birmingham mayor Bernard Kincaid was planning to announce his plans to run for a third term in office this week after learning that he’d removed himself from the municipal election commission. We just didn’t think he’d announce today (the office pool had him announcing tomorrow at the earliest, BTW).

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From the Stationmaster: A launch party update (among other things)

Thanks to all that have voted so far in our poll for the launch party. If you haven’t please visit this post to get more information and then go back to the front page and cast your vote. Stay tuned because we’ll announce where the event’s going to be held tomorrow morning…

Speaking of launch parties…

Tomorrow, on Timetable:

Boom Boom Teaser

Big Julie’s Boom Boom Cocktail Room and Debate Club. We’ll activate a link here when it goes live. But in the meantime, go on over and check out some of the newer posts.

We need more questions!

We’re also still looking for more submissions of questions to ask the 2007 mayoral candidates. For those that have come on over because of the happy hour poll, click here to learn more about it. We’ve promised to share the questions with Catalyst for their upcoming September forum, so that gave us a reason to extend the deadline for submitting questions until this Friday, August 10. You can either click on the button located on the right side of the screen or click here to visit the submission page directly.

Photo credit:Bob Farley/f8photo

Changing signs in the Magic City

Stephens Billboard Down - Photo Courtesy Of Scenic Alabama

Lisa at Scenic Alabama posted recently about the pending change in view for morning commuters coming into Birmingham, Alabama on the Stephens Expressway (U.S. 280 & U.S. 31 as they enter downtown). The problem is not that it’s coming down, it’s what’s going back up.

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