Category Archives: Alabama

Travelogue: Augusta, GA talks about what may be or have been

Yes, it’s a crazy headline because it involves a crazy situation, as laid out in this post on Musings on Birmingham. It’s most interesting since there has been no official announcement from the company about where it will choose to locate its new plant. It’s even more interesting since the story is out of Augusta and not Athens, the city that is actually in the Solvay Pharmaceuticals sweepstakes with Birmingham.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

NBC 13 first local news to broadcast in HD

According to a news story/press release published on MSNBC, the Birmingham, AL NBC affiliate will be the first station in the state of Alabama to broadcast their local news coverage in high definition. The transmissions will begin on October 17 with their 10 p.m. broadcast.

All of the major stations carry their local news on their HD signals, but NBC 13 would be the first to actually take advantage of the technology. The changes will coincide with a new set designed to take advantage of the new technology.

While we’re at it we appreciate MSNBC listing us under their local blogs heading on their redesigned local page for Birmingham.

God Delusion Debate to be streamed online

Lennox vs. Dawkins

If you have not already heard, The God Delusion Debate taking place this Wednesday at the Alys Stephens Center (see our post by clicking here) has sold out. According to The Birmingham News, the BBC and NPR will be recording the debate for their own purposes, but according to the Fixed-Point Foundation’s website, the event will be broadcast live on the Moody Broadcasting Network and streamed on their website. They will have feeds available for both RealPlayer and Windows Media Player.

The debate will feature Dr. John Lennox (pictured left) and Professor Richard Dawkins.

Random Shots: Silverton’s back!

Interior of Silvertron Cafe

Photo credit: André Natta

Yes, this is the interior of The Silvertron Cafe. It’s been closed for a few months now, but this comment on the post we used to announce that made us go out to take a look. A phone call to the property owner confirmed the rumor, with word that this Birmingham favorite is planning to be re-opened by the end of the month.

We have learned that the new owners are Marco Morosini and his wife. We’ll see if can find out anything else about it and let you know as soon as possible.

A look back: October 1


Laura E. Burton was granted a license to practice medicine in Alabama.

Courtesy: logo

Sidewalk ’07: Awards results on Timetable

RGS Trio at Sidewalk

Photo credit: André  Natta

The RGS Trio entertains the crowd at WorkPlay Theatre in advance of the awards/closing ceremony for this year’s Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival.

Head on over to Timetable to see who’s winning the awards.

Election ’07: Final results are up

While we could just keep on mining these numbers for any little thing that they could tell us, we figured we’d stop while we’re ahead and just provide the basic facts from our mayoral poll.

The submission page has been transformed into a results page, providing it in table format. We hope you’re as intrigued by the results as we are. Links to them are listed below:

Votes for the candidates

Top issues


Voter plans (will they vote on 10/9)

Zip code information

NOTE: We did round numbers to the closest tenth, so yes, we realize that some of these will register just slightly above 100% totals.