Category Archives: Alabama

Election ’07: Langford’s our certified winner, but…

Cooper speaks to press

Photo credit: André Natta

Larry Langford was officially certified as the winner of the 2007 mayoral race yesterday. Patrick Cooper, as reported about in this morning’s Birmingham News, has announced plans to file this contest of the October 9 election (PDF file).

The image shows Cooper speaking with reporters at a 10 a.m. press conference at his campaign headquarters in downtown Birmingham. He is contending that Langford was not eligible to run for the mayor’s office because he was still residing in Fairfield.

When asked if he would be filing this contest if there was a runoff, Cooper replied that if he knew then what he knows now, he would still be filing the contest.

A look back: October 17


The National Bank of Birmingham was organized. You may recognize it by the name it eventually adopted years later…

AmSouth bank logo

Courtesy: logo

Election ’07: Langford appoints two to head his transition team

Ralph Cook bio   Charles McCrary photo

Photos of Ralph Cook, Sr. (l) and Charles McCrary (r).

Birmingham Mayor-elect Larry Langford has brought on former Alabama Supreme Court Justice Ralph Cook, Sr. and Alabama Power CEO Charles McCrary to lead his transition team. They won’t have long to work, as Langford said he plans to be sworn into office the second Tuesday in November.

Langford made the announcement during a windy press conference at Vulcan Park Tuesday afternoon.

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Three reasons to buy a Terminal T

Pink Terminal T ad

  1. $1 from every purchase goes to a local charity. The charity is chosen once a quarter. This quarter’s charity is the Community Kitchens of Birmingham. NOTE: If you happen to buy a pink Terminal T this month, an additional $1 will go to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation of North Central Alabama.
  2. It’s just a cool shirt!
  3. We are attempting to formally create an entity to ensure that The Terminal is around for a long time and we need your help. If you could buy a shirt from us (and encourage others to do so) it would help spread the word about our existence and provide us with the support needed to get to the next level. Of course, you could always advertise on the site too if you’re a business, but the T-shirt would be a great start.

Thanks for your readership and for your support. Click here if you just want to go ahead and buy one (more colors are coming soon).

Maybe we can agree on how to change this constitution…

Tonight’s “forum to evaluate the best methods for reforming an unjust & outdated document” promises to be an exciting event to say the least.

Constitutional Reform: The Next Generation features a keynote address by former Alabama governor Albert Brewer, Jr. and a panel discussion featuring Brewer, Rep. Paul DeMarco, Lynn Douglas – Board President, Alabama ARISE, Gary Palmer – President, Alabama Policy Institute,  and Lenora Pate – Shareholder, Sirote & Permutt & Co-Chair, Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform, Inc.

Click on this link to get directions to the event. You may also want to read this email interview with former Governor Brewer conducted by the Over the Mountain Democrats.

Constitutional Reform: The Next Generation, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

This is from the email reminder for the event being held in the Linn-Henley Lecture Hall at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens:

Lenora Pate is a Democrat who lives in the city of Birmingham; Paul DeMarco is a Republican who lives over the mountain.
Yet they all agree Alabama needs to reform its century old constitution.  Tomorrow they will meet on the best way to do this.  Since they all hope for different outcomes, it should make for a lively discussion.  Some people are angry that Over the Mountain Democrats has chosen to give various Republicans a forum.  According to John Crenshaw, head of OTMDems, “We all need to work together on these issues.  What is the point of continually preaching to the choir?  How interesting would “Harry Potter” be without Lord Voldemort?”
So, get over the mountain and become part of a continuing discussion about the state of the state constitution here in Alabama. Presented by the Over the Mountain Democrats.
Cost: $0
Linn-Henley Lecture Hall
Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2612 Park Lane Road (directions)

Click here to read more about the event.

Women, this is your night…

Phantom invite logo

… to network (and possibly win tickets to Phantom of the Opera).

Check out this listing about tonight’s women’s networking mixer at Icon benefiting the Central Alabama Women’s Business Center.