Category Archives: 35203

Museum Day 2007, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute

Visit the newest member of the Smithsonian Affiliations Program as they take part in this national event. Smithsonian Magazine readers and visitors to will be admitted to the BCRI for free that day.

Click here to learn more about the affiliations program from a story we posted this summer on Timetable. Click here to learn more about Museum Day from Smithsonian Magazine. You may also want to visit the BCRI website to learn more about the exhibits taking place at the Institute at that time.

Cost: Free to readers of Smithsonian Magazine and visitors to

Birmingham Civil Rights Institute
520 16th Street North
Birmingham, AL 35203

Related links:
Civil Rights Institute announces Smithsonian affiliation, Timetable, 7.11.2007

4th Annual Great Garage Sale, Birmingham Central Library

We all know the downtown library, 2100 Park Place, is a great place for the WiFi and to score books. But Friday, Sept. 21, it will be a great place to find bargains on baby items, children’s clothes and toys, kitchen and household items, furniture, electronics, jewelry and more. They will also have cookies, soft drinks and fresh-popped popcorn on hand. Happy bargain hunting!

Take a moment: Lend a hand in the Gulf Coast

Magic City Mission Logo

Wade Kwon is preparing to make his third trip to the Gulf Coast region (the second with a volunteer group from Birmingham) to help those still feeling the effects from the hurricanes of 2005 and he wants you to join him. He’s looking for 50 folks to give of themselves and join him, Hands on Birmingham, Hands on Gulf Coast and Hands on New Orleans to do their part.

Click on over to Good News, Birmingham to find out more information about this evening’s meeting.

Don’t worry, there will still be plenty of time to run home and watch the debate online or on television afterwards…

A look back: September 15


16th Street Baptist Church Near Completion Photo Credit - Andre Natta

Photo credit: André Natta

16th Street Baptist Church was bombed. Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson and Cynthia Wesley were killed in the blast. The church has recently undergone an extensive renovation that has in part repaired structural damage resulting from the bombing. Click here to listen to a 2003 interview from the Travis Smiley Show about the renovation of the historic church.


Johnnie Robinson was killed by police after throwing rocks at a squad car.

Virgil Ware was shot and killed while riding on the handlebars of his brother’s bicycle in Docena.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki

Random Shots: The sale begins

Belk Downtown

Photo credit: Curtis Palmer 

A little blurry, this is the scene from the downtown Birmingham Belk this morning as more than 90 people stood in line waiting for the beginning of the “official” grand opening sale today for all area stores. The name change officially occurred on September 2. However, as we reported last month, the Parisian name lives on in metro Detroit.

A look back: September 11


9.11 Memorial In Downtown Birmingham

Photo credit: André Natta

The 9/11 Memorial Walk was dedicated along 19th Street North at 4th Avenue North.


The talk around Artwalk 2007

Artwalk Winddown

It’s been over for a couple of days now, but there’s still a great deal of buzz about this year’s Artwalk. Early reports have total artists sales double that from last year.

We wanted to hear what you thought about this year’s festival, so we sent out a street team (with our new t-shirts on of course), asked for your thoughts and brought these back to share with you.

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