Screenshot of Evanston, Illinois’ Patrick Cooper’s website.
Well, he’s finding the whole situation quite interesting. The Patrick Cooper in Virginia that is. He was the one that came up first when you would look up the name of the former Birmingham mayoral candidate and current contester of the election during the early days of his campaign to get into City Hall.
This Patrick Cooper decided that he would begin to track the happenings of the man who shared his name on his site after he was not listed in the top spot.
This Mr. Cooper also has a reporting background and has provided some interesting commentary, including his most recent post about Cooper’s contest filing and this post in early October explaining just what a Cooper victory would have meant to him and his blog.
It’s looking like he’s going to be safely back in the driver’s seat soon enough, that is according to a conversation had recently by Danny over at Doc’s Political Parlor with a lawyer about the contest.