Tag Archives: startup funding

Local startup makes it into Y Combinator

mongo hq logoWe’ve learned that Jason McCay and Ben Wyrosdick of MongoHQ have made it into this summer’s Y Combinator group out in California.

For those not familiar with Y Combinator, it’s a start-up funding firm based out of Mountain View. They do two rounds of seed funding each year as well as valuable coaching and resources – much more information is available on their about page. The guys will be participating in the summer funding cycle beginning next month (going through August).

Several companies have successfully completed the program and received venture capital funding, including popular projects like DropBox, Reddit, and Scribd.

The Terminal had the pleasure of sharing office space with McCay and Wyrosdick last year while located at Shift Workspace downtown. Here’s hoping for nothing but good things to happen for both of them during this experience.