Tag Archives: scott register

This is not a revolution. This is a solution.

The Mountain - official logo“The Uprising” across Birmingham, AL will soon have a web-based radio station resulting from their online revolution earlier this year.

Scott Register of Reg’s Coffee House was the last voice heard on Birmingham’s Live 100.5FM back on Valentine’s Day, despite nearly 16,000 people showed their support for the station and the format via an online campaign.

Recent activity on Facebook suggests that a web-based solution in the form of an online radio station is about to be unveiled to Alabama’s Magic City. A website has been created for The Mountain, as well as a Facebook fan page and a Twitter account.

According to the digital outposts, the new venture plans to launch later this month with mobile apps available for download for when you want to listen while out running, etc. Reg’s Coffee House is also expected to make a return to the digital airwaves.

FYI: The “issue” with Timetable is being worked on; the hope is that it will be back up and operational by the end of next week.