Tag Archives: environmental

How green is “clean” fuel?

The New York Times has been calling attention to a lot of things recently in the state of Alabama. Now you can add the issue of pollution to that list, though it’s from a source that you wouldn’t necessarily expect…

The story in question (registration required) focuses on spills from an Alabama Biodisel plant that was producing earth-friendly fuel from soybean. Unfortunately the byproduct wasn’t being as friendly. It’s an interesting look at a rarely discussed issue (which has apparently been resolved) as we begin to look at new ways to power our vehicles. BTW – look out for the mention of local environmental organization Black Warrior Riverkeeper.

Saving our Water, Birmingham Botanical Gardens

Saving our Water offers business leaders, government officials, planners, developers, builders, architects, building owners and interested citizens an excellent opportunity to explore the expanding water needs of the Birmingham region and how to sensibly meet these needs through planning for sustainability, conservation and cooperation.

It’s also a great chance to learn more about the Green Resource Center for Alabama, the organization organizing the event.

Click here to view the flier on their website.

Cost: Free

Birmingham Botanical Gardens
2612 Park Lane Road (directions)