Tag Archives: education foundation

School Board 101 in session beginning March 23

school_board_eventMarch 23 sees the start of an educational series for adults, one aiming to “highlight the importance of school boards in our community and in their role in establishing education policy that affect our children.” According to the press release sent out by the BBA earlier this month, School Board 101: Putting Students First, presented by both the Birmingham Business Alliance and the Birmingham Education Foundation, will take place on four Saturdays between now and May 18 in the auditorium at Vulcan Park, with registration required for all sessions.

Considering we’re about to see those planning to vie for the school board seats begin to announce their intentions, the series seems quite timely. The educational sessions are not just for them though, as pointed out by the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham on their website. The series lends itself to the focus of a piece published on Good Magazine’s website last week, one suggesting to be the change you want to see in the system.

It is not the only movement underway to help make the issue of education in metro Birmingham better. Breakthrough Collaborative recently shared a PDF describing the Birmingham site director position now available. The incumbent would begin this summer. The affiliate would be the latest addition to a collective currently operating 27 programs in 25 cities across the United States and in Hong Kong.