Tag Archives: Earth Hour

Don’t forget to turn out the lights

Vote earth adGranted, if you’re reading this tonight (Saturday) between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m., this becomes pointless, but hopefully we’ll catch you beforehand. This evening marks the second year for the recognition of Earth Hour internationally. The World Wildlife Fund hopes that more than 1 billion people will participate in voluntarily to raise awareness about the issue of climate change. It’s already happened in Malaysia as it’s based on local time. Here in Alabama, the city of Huntsville will be participating; you can find other cities participating listed here. For those of you trying to think of things to do during Earth Hour, here are seven suggestions courtesy of care2.com

Have any more? Click here and share them.

T-minus 2 hours until Earth Hour

We’re right around two hours away from the second observance of Earth Hour. We hope you’ll join us at 8 p.m. and shut down any non-essential electrical items around you.

If you need some ideas on what to do during Earth Hour 2008, try out these suggestions courtesy of the event’s website.

We’ll see you on the other side.