Tag Archives: constitution

New venue, tickets still available for Open Secret

OpenSecret promotional pieceA new film about the 1901 constitutional convention that led to the state of Alabama’s governing document (the world’s largest) is currently in the process of being debuted across the state.

February 26th brings the film, Open Secret, directed and produed by Melanie Jeffcoat, to the Carver Theatre (overwhelming demand for attending forced organizers to move it from the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute) courtesy of Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform.

The film’s script is based on the 109-year-old transcripts of the convention and reveals the issues of race, poverty and suffrage – and perhaps several other reasons why we may want to rewrite the document. Tickets are still available for the screening which will include a panel discussion with:

  • Merika Coleman, Alabama State Representative (D) for District 57 (Jefferson)
  • Paul DeMarco, Alabama State Representative (R) for District 46 (Jefferson)
  • Dr. Carol Ann Vaughn Cross, Core Curriculum Fellow, Samford University (Moderator)