Tag Archives: BBA

Last day to “vote Birmingham” for U.S. Chamber community award

021006_CommunityExcellence_Wufoo_648x108px_Final3-2Six Birmingham area businesses were among the 100 recently honored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce as recipients of the organization’s annual Blue Ribbon Awards. There were nine recognized statewide by the organization.

Birminghamians now get a chance to help one of these businesses receive the organization’s Community Excellence Award, but only until 10:59 a.m., CT tonight!

The website for the organization’s America’s Small Business Summit (where all the businesses will be awarded on June 13) states the award “is designed to highlight a business that has found success in the eyes of its community.” The voting takes place online, and you’re allowed one vote per email address. Here’s the list of local winners:

  • Bhate Geosciences, Corp.
  • McSweeney Holdings
  • Proventix Systems, Inc.
  • Relax, It’s Handled
  • Silvertron Cafe
  • Urban Cookhouse

The local winners will also learn on March 19 if one of them are among the seven regional finalists. One of them will receive the Dream Big Small Business of the Year Award (and $10,000) while at the Summit.

School Board 101 in session beginning March 23

school_board_eventMarch 23 sees the start of an educational series for adults, one aiming to “highlight the importance of school boards in our community and in their role in establishing education policy that affect our children.” According to the press release sent out by the BBA earlier this month, School Board 101: Putting Students First, presented by both the Birmingham Business Alliance and the Birmingham Education Foundation, will take place on four Saturdays between now and May 18 in the auditorium at Vulcan Park, with registration required for all sessions.

Considering we’re about to see those planning to vie for the school board seats begin to announce their intentions, the series seems quite timely. The educational sessions are not just for them though, as pointed out by the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham on their website. The series lends itself to the focus of a piece published on Good Magazine’s website last week, one suggesting to be the change you want to see in the system.

It is not the only movement underway to help make the issue of education in metro Birmingham better. Breakthrough Collaborative recently shared a PDF describing the Birmingham site director position now available. The incumbent would begin this summer. The affiliate would be the latest addition to a collective currently operating 27 programs in 25 cities across the United States and in Hong Kong.

Introducing Birmingham365

Birmingham365 logoThe latest attempt to launch an all-inclusive online events calendar in the City of Birmingham has quietly launched as we start a new year.

There are a few people that already knew about Birmingham365.org, a partnership between the Cultural Alliance of Greater Birmingham, the Birmingham Business Alliance and the city’s convention and visitors bureau, including those in attendance at last month’s BBA annual meeting, but the site was officially unveiled earlier this week.

It serves as a replacement for the Cultural Alliance’s ActiveCulture.info calendar (the old site’s URL redirects to the new one), with that organization serving as the site’s administrator. The site joins 31 others in the Artsopolis Network, a network that grew out of the development of the Arts Council of Silicon Valley’s website in California that is “dedicated to promoting Arts, Culture, and Entertainment in their communities.”

What are your first impressions of the new site?

BBA talks to young professionals Above Birmingham

Earlier this week, Birmingham Business Alliance (BBA) president Dalton Smith talked about the organization’s economic development plan for the seven-county Birmingham region called Blueprint Birmingham with leaders of several young professionals organizations during an event at Above at The Redmont Hotel.

The BBA shared the video of Smith’s remarks to their YouTube channel as well as comments made by Katrina Watson and Michele Amaral about the event and the ongoing planning process.

Incidentally, both women were recently named as recipients of b-metro’s first ever YP Awards.

Blueprint Birmingham was originally scheduled for release in May but is now expected to be unveiled this fall.

Help draw Birmingham’s blueprint

Blueprint BirminghamYou don’t have much time left to help the Birmingham Business Alliance draw up a blueprint for The Magic City’s future.

An online survey is now available through tomorrow (December 23) that allows for you to add your voice to this planning initiative. Market Street Services of Atlanta, GA has coordinated the effort that has included focus group meetings with business leaders, area young professionals and others considered key stakeholders in Birmingham’s future. It appears that the final report which will be posted online, demonstrating the transparency that BBA president Dalton Smith spoke of when the new organization launched earlier this year.

Send the future leaders off in style this evening

If you’re downtown this evening, the Birmingham Business Alliance is hosting a Summer Send-Off for those that have braved the heat and the rain as interns in The Magic City this year. It also provides them with a chance to talk with current young professionals about what’s keeping them in Birmingham and why these interns should return and become our community’s new leaders after they’ve completed college. The event’s going to be at Rogue Tavern and starts at 5 p.m.

While we’re in that mindset, kudos to former Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce president David Adkisson as he recently became the chair of the American Chamber of Commerce Executives.

Introducing the Birmingham Business Alliance

Yesterday evening a large crowd gathered at The Club for the launch of the Birmingham Business Alliance, the organization resulting from the merger of the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce and the Metropolitan Development Board. The entity’s president and CEO, Dalton Smith, shared the vision and mission of the BBA with those in attendance.

They’ve also wasted little time in setting up additional avenues through which the new organization can share information, including a new fan page on Facebook launched yesterday during the event.