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Who do you trust politically, Birmingham?

07.2.2009 by André Natta · No Comments

The question of trusting local politicians in Continue reading

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In other news

What’s next for skirt! in Birmingham?

07.2.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment


Readers and supporters of skirt! Magazine’s edition in Birmingham, AL learned that their favorite publication was entering a new phase today. Continue reading

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Slowing down: The Waterfalls at Boutwell

07.2.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Have you ever taken even 30 seconds to stop and listen to the waterfalls located between the Boutwell Auditorium and the Birmingham Museum of Art? Or check out the Birmingham Urban Mural? Continue reading

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Farewell, Johnny Ray’s

07.1.2009 by André Natta · 20 Comments


A Birmingham favorite had a quiet but noticeable change start yesterday as Johnny Ray’s had its last full day of business. Continue reading

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Parking rates go up today in Birmingham

07.1.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We hope you’re carrying some extra change if you’re heading towards downtown Birmingham, AL or the airport as new parking rates went into effect today. Continue reading

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Langford wants to “Do the dome…NOW!”

06.29.2009 by André Natta · 6 Comments

The "Do the Dome" shirt

On June 30, 2009 Mayor Langford will ask Birmingham, AL’s City Council to release the funds necessary to “Do the DOME…NOW!” The morning before, he asked the community to help him achieve that result. Continue reading

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The Bottletree Bailout is born!

06.29.2009 by André Natta · 4 Comments

So we finally figured out what we could do to help Birmingham’s The Bottletree out – get a bunch of folks to come on out for a special edition Terminally Happy Hour – or as we’re calling it, Bottletree Bailout – on Thursday afternoon… Continue reading

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