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Random Shots: Progress at CiTYViLLE

07.7.2009 by André Natta · No Comments


Work is progressing at the site of the CiTYViLLE BLOCK 121 development on Birmingham, AL’s Southside. Continue reading

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In other news

Follow-up: Johnny Ray’s president joins the conversation

07.7.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

We just wanted to take a moment and invite you to check out the comments made on – and thank those that make them… Continue reading

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No sales tax holiday from JeffCo this year

07.7.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Jefferson County Commission decided that it would not take part in this year’s state sales tax holiday. Birmingham, AL is still taking part in it though. Continue reading

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Mayor in car accident Tuesday AM, is OK

07.7.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments


Birmingham, AL’s mayor was in a car accident early this morning. After making sure that he was OK, the focus seemed to shift to why he was on the city’s west side so early… Continue reading

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Report overgrown lots via your iPhone – soon

07.7.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The 23 in 23 campaign will get a new tool to add to its arsenal in the near future. Birmingham’s residents will soon be able to report neighborhood nuisances via their phone. Continue reading

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Former Lipstick editor wins awards

07.7.2009 by André Natta · 2 Comments

While folks are talking about the future of skirt! here in Birmingham, AL, the Green Eyeshade Awards decided to honor a former editor of our other monthly women’s magazine for her work. Continue reading

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Todd Bates talk about Steve McNair’s legacy

07.6.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Videographer Randy Archer recently sat down with Todd Bates to talk about NFL quarterback Steve McNair’s legacy following his untimely death on July 4, 2009. Continue reading

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