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A Festivus gift for one of us

12.23.2009 by André Natta · No Comments


We unfortunately only have one Griffin AirCurve to give away but we figured it was a great excuse to get a bunch of folks out and enjoy the last somewhat peaceful day of Birmingham, AL’s Christmas season. Continue reading

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In other news

Help draw Birmingham’s blueprint

12.22.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Blueprint Birmingham

There’s still time to help the Birmingham Business Alliance create a plan to help determine the future of Alabama’s largest city. All it takes is 20 minutes and an Internet connection. Continue reading

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Detours abound at Children’s Hospital

12.22.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

You’ll want to avoid the area around the construction site for the new Children’s Hospital building for the next few days. Continue reading

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Election ’09: A busy weekend of sorts

11.16.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

This weekend saw one Birmingham City Councilor announce their plans to run for mayor, while another prominent possibility decided to sit out and the Birmingham Business Alliance joins the mayoral forum game. Continue reading

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We’re in Memphis today for BarCamp

11.14.2009 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Trolleys in Memphis. acnatta/Flickr

Today Andre’s representing Birmingham, AL and in Memphis, TN serving on a panel about community/hyperlocal blogging as part of this year’s BarCamp Memphis. Continue reading

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Election ’09:Let the mayoral forums begin

11.12.2009 by André Natta · 5 Comments

The candidates for mayor of Birmingham, AL have started announcing, which means that it’s time for the organizers of the mayoral forums to start announcing their events too. Continue reading

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Election ’09: Douglas joins the race tomorrow

11.11.2009 by André Natta · 0 Comments

scott douglas

The field in the special election for Birmingham, AL’s mayor keeps getting bigger, with Greater Birmingham Ministries executive director Scott Douglas planning to announce his candidacy Thursday morning at Kelly Ingram Park. Continue reading

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