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Franklin Biggs sells Homewood Gourmet

05.24.2010 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Franklin Biggs

While we’e a little behind in sharing this news, we couldn’t pass up another opportunity to share a photo of Franklin Biggs making Baby Blue salad in the bed of a pickup truck. Just follow the link at the end of the post… Continue reading

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In other news

Random Shots: Writing about turnips at Pepper Place

05.24.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

DISCO at Pepper Place. acnatta/Flickr

This year the Pepper Place Farmers Market is providing an opportunity for Birmingham residents to learn a little more about a new writing center being established in the city’s Woodlawn neighborhood – the Desert Island Supply Company, or DISCO for short. Appears they’re hitting the ground running too… Continue reading

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Baseball downtown? Survey tries to find out if it’s possible

05.24.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Baseball. theseanster93/Flickr

There’s been talk in Birmingham, AL in recent years about the possibility of the Barons moving back downtown into a new ballpark. Well now there’s a survey that’s trying to take the pulse of the area’s residents. Continue reading

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No texting while driving in Vestavia Hills

05.11.2010 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Texting while driving. mrJasonWeaver/Flickr

It’s now illegal to send electronic messages while driving in Vestavia Hills. The law should have some impact on the texting habits of those traveling through the city on their way to Birmingham or Hoover, AL. Continue reading

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How big is the oil spill? You don’t want to know…

05.10.2010 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Some may have discovered this Google Earth application. For those that haven’t, this will give you a good idea of just how large the Deepwater oil spill is – in this case in relation to Birmingham and the rest of central Alabama. Continue reading

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Council committee to consider Fire Station No. 22 sale

05.10.2010 by André Natta · 3 Comments

IMG_3168. JCMcdavid/Flickr

The fate of the former Birmingham Fire Department Engine No. 22 building is partially in the hands of the city’s budget and finance committee. They will consider the proposal to sell to the developer wanting to replace it with a Walgreens. The full council must still vote after receiving the recommendation from the committee. Continue reading

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Time to visit the Real Housewives of Birmingham

05.7.2010 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Real Housewives of Birmingham cover - May 2010

The reading options in Birmingham, AL have expanded recently with the addition of Real Housewives of Birmingham to virtual newsstands. You’ll need to get over to their website to check it out. Continue reading

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