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Check on your pipes!

12.27.2010 by André Natta · No Comments

Frozen Pipe. Sterlic/Flickr

Metro Birmingham is going to be under a hard freeze warning until Tuesday morning, December 28. We figured we should provide a few tips to prevent frozen pipes (and thaw them out if you aren’t able to prevent it from happening). Continue reading

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In other news

Birmingham Change Fund has a challenge for you

12.27.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Birmingham Change Fund logo

Birmingham, AL’s largest African American giving circle has a new website, new leadership and a new challenge it hopes to be successful with by New Year’s Eve. Click through to find out how you can help. Continue reading

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Birmingham still has Perpetual Promise

12.27.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

CPP cover. Dystopos/Flickr

For all of the stuff written about Birmingham being a “City of Perpetual Promise” there are few opportunities to check out the piece of work that led to this moniker for Birmingham, AL. Until now… Continue reading

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Taylor Hide hopes Birmingham sees more Kickstarter success

12.27.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Lumi front. Courtesy of Kickstarter project

There’s a new Kickstarter effort underway in Birmingham – one that hopes to change the way that people go to sleep (and wake up). Continue reading

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“Positive” vandalism vandalized

12.27.2010 by André Natta · 1 Comment

You Are Beautiful, Birmingham. acnatta/Flickr

A controversial piece of graffiti that greeted those driving into Birmingham, AL through Red Mountain was itself tagged just before Christmas Eve – making the debate about whether it should stay or go somewhat moot… Continue reading

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Holiday wishes from the stationmaster

12.22.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

No, we don’t let The Terminal’s stationmaster get in front of the camera very often, but we figured it wouldn’t hurt – especially since it teases at some of the stuff we’re working on (while explaining why we’re doing it to those of you who’ve been with us since March 2007). Continue reading

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Dan Sartain = NPR Song of the Day

12.22.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

dan sartain. fishplums/Flickr

Did you hear that Birmingham, AL native Dan Sartain’s “Walk Among the Cobras IV” is NPR’s Song of the Day for December 22? Well, now that you have, you have to learn more about what else has been written about him recently. Continue reading

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