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On the agenda: Hotels and contracts

01.4.2011 by André Natta · No Comments

Official flag of the City of Birmingham

This mornings Birmingham City Council agenda includes a lot of properties that need their weeds cut down, a contract to help publicize the BBVA Compass Bowl and adding an expansion onto the new aquatic center before its finished (that was originally in there anyway). Continue reading

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In other news

Good thing we saved the fire station in July…

01.3.2011 by André Natta · 3 Comments

Surveying Engine No. 22

Last summer’s victory by neighborhood advocates to save a structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places was celebrated by preservationists in metro Birmingham, AL and elsewhere. A recent decision elsewhere in the Southeastern United States may make how future victories are achieved that much harder. Continue reading

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This year, join Stephen’s 13.1 mile team

01.3.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Stephen Vinson at Railroad Park

Last year, Stephen Vinson walked the 5KBR. This year, the Birmingham, AL native is going to walk the Mercedes Half-Marathon instead. He’ll have a lot of folks keeping track of his progress thanks to his recent interview with The Birmingham News. Continue reading

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Your nose will be red on Saturday morning…

01.3.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Red Nose Run logo

The Red Nose Run is a great excuse to wake up early this Saturday to help raise funds for the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama – well, that and the really cool earwarmers that they’re handing out to participants… Continue reading

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Learn more about the Other Birmingham

01.3.2011 by André Natta · 3 Comments

screenshot from "The Other Birmingham"

Birmingham, AL is often compared to its namesake city “across the pond” in the United Kingdom. Travel writer Fiona Cullinan decided to look at the ways that the cities are similar and different and has ended up with an ever-expanding project. Continue reading

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We speak with a Lowland Southern dialect

12.29.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

dialect map screenshot

A linguist has determined that much of the state of Alabama speaks with a Lowland Southern dialect. Don’t worry, he’s identified the speech patterns of most of North America too. Continue reading

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Hats and Horns 2010 benefits Bell Center, Operation School Bell

12.29.2010 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Hats and Horns logo. Courtesy of official website.

We noticed a lot of folks have been visiting the site looking for information about this year’s Hats and Horns New Year’s Eve party. So instead of folks finding our 2007 post, we now have this year’s info up… Continue reading

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