The latest

Ronald McDonald House Charity Poker Tournament, B&A Warehouse

07.11.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

The Ronald McDonald House of Central Alabama will be holding this fundraiser on July 17, beginning at 6p.m. at B&A Warehouse. The buy-in is $60 and it gives you the chance to win several prizes including a 2-night stay at … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on Birmingham's hub
In other news

Help us test the site on the iPhone (if you can…)

07.11.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

With all the hype associated with the iPhone, from the long lines to the long list of potential problems, most of us are aware that it will have an impact on how our sites work. So on Monday we began … Continue reading

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Elsewhere on The Terminal…

07.11.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

As we attempt to get back on track today, please feel free to visit Timetable to learn about the latest honor bestowed on the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute. You may also want to head over to my Birmingham to read … Continue reading

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Obama excites crowd at Sheraton

07.9.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

As we reported last month, presidential hopeful and current U.S. senator from Illinois Barack Obama made his first appearance of the 2008 campaign season in the Magic City this evening.  Approximately 2,000 people paid $25 each for the opportunity to … Continue reading

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2007 Drought: A way to save your plants

07.9.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Despite the recent increase in area rainfall (and the discussion about how it might have come to be), there is still a great deal of time before we see an end to Birmingham’s extreme drought. Some of our residents are … Continue reading

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Monday’s Timetable: Tickets and Mayfield (the band)

07.9.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Today on Timetable, find out how you can win tickets to an advance screening of the latest Harry Potter film and find out what makes local band Moses Mayfield tick… Go on, we’ll wait for you.

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Universoul Circus, Alabama State Fairgrounds

07.9.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Celebrating its thirteenth year of entertaining enthusiastic crowds and showcasing talent of African descent, the Universoul Circus comes to town this weekend at the Alabama State Fairgrounds on the city’s west side for four days of performances. There will be … Continue reading

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