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Election ’07: Speaking of Catalyst…

08.2.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

We’re going to share all of the questions that are submitted to us for our candidates series to Catalyst for consideration to be used during the September 18 mayoral debate they are hosting with the League of Women Voters of … Continue reading

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In other news

Catalyst & United Way Young Leaders invite you to make a Board Connection next week

08.2.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Catalyst Logo

Catalyst and United Way Young Leaders Society are partnering with the Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama (NRCA) to provide a great opportunity to our YP community. Next Wednesday, August 8, they’re inviting those interested to come out to WorkPlay to … Continue reading

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my Birmingham: What are your thoughts about the latest dome proposal?

08.1.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

With the latest plan to create a dome stadium in town, we’ve decided to question whether or not it’s viable. Visit my Birmingham and read the post and then post your comments over there. Big dreams can hurt sometimes

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The mayor’s right hand man is stepping aside

08.1.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Al Herbert has served as the right hand man for Mayor Bernard Kincaid for all of his eight years in office. Yesterday, it was revealed that if Kincaid is elected to serve for a third term, he will not be … Continue reading

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Take a moment: Pick a charity

08.1.2007 by André Natta · 28 Comments

We’d like to pick your brains and ask you what your favorite charity is in metro Birmingham (and why). Please post your answers in the comments section. There is a method to our madness… Depending on the answers that we … Continue reading

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One of Birmingham’s finest retires after 49 years

08.1.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Nolan Shivers is 72 years old and has probably seen more than he’d like to admit during his 49 years on the job. The Birmingham News reported about Sihvers reitrement celebration yesterday in Roebuck and it was picked up nationally … Continue reading

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Historic Mines Hike, Ruffner Mountain Nature Center

07.31.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Explore Ruffner Mountain’ Nature Center’s mining past on this 2 hour guided hike which will take you to see some of the less traveled areas of the mountain & the historic remnants of Birmingham’s Iron Ore Era. They say it’s … Continue reading

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